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Before we get started I would like for you to know about me and my siblings.

My name is Liberty Star and I am a fifteen year old girl trying to make it in the world and raising my siblings. I was conceived on the 4th of July. Now my name would have made more sense if I was actually born on that day instead. But nope I was born in April. April of 1995.

I have never thought of myself being attractive in in short of way. I think it's because I'm super skinny and look like I could break at any given moment. Ever since our family started falling apart it was like my body started changing. Some see me as malnutrition and yes they are correct, if they only knew what I have to live with everyday they would understand why I am the way I am. But it's not all about not having enough  to eat.

I stand and look in front of the dirty cracked up mirror and I don't  like the girl that stands before me. This is not who I want to be but this is what I got to live with. I wish I had the cleanest, prettiest skin and hair. My hair falls against my back all stringy like. It would be nice to have bouncy, beautiful  luscious hair like the girls at school but that will never happen because we can't  afford fancy shampoo or really  any for that matter. Well enough about me.

I have a brother two years younger than me, his name is Winter Storm. Yes I know what a name. My brother tries to help out at home as well. My mother says that she got pregnant with him on a stormy night in the winter time. Whatever, he was actually born on a cool day in September of 1997.

At thirteen, he is the same height as me. Some people would think that we were twins but we're not.  However, we look so much alike. He is also really skinny and most days he looks a little rough looking from getting dirty. Of course the clothes don't help much from not be washed like they should be. But we have to go to school and it would be really weird going without clothes. So we wear what we have.

I have another younger brother, River Sky and he is only nine. Momma says he was due to a camping trip and thought that name would suit him well. He was born in June of 2001. He is a hot mess and always finding a way to get in trouble.

And then the baby of the family; our little Autumn Dawn. She is seven years younger than me. Momma said it was a nice Autumn day in late October, yet she was born on a super hot day in July of 2002. Our mother had a different way of thinking back then and even now.  I really think all the things she was doing really messed up her brain cells.

Yes we have parents...well did. I don't know what really happened. But when the shit hit the fan, the shit hit the fan and everything we did have, we no longer had anymore.

When they separated, our momma started seeing other guys, not like a normal mom would do with just one; nope there was a different one all the time until I was around twelve. Well that was when Jackson moved it. Yes moved in and momma, she said we should call him Uncle Jack.

One might think Jackson was a super well nice guy but I beg to differ and for some reason the authorities believe I had something to do with his murder. Uhm!!!

Liberty StarWhere stories live. Discover now