A Nice Surprise

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This morning Mrs. Shaw comes to my room to wake me up. "Star, you need to be getting up and get dressed. It's a beautiful day and Mr. Shaw and I want to eat at the park today."

"Alright, give me a second." I sit up in bed as she is walking out of the room. I drag myself out of bed and put on a pair of jean shorts with a mint green top. Since we are going to the park, I pick out a pair of mint green socks to go with my converses. I forgot to write River a note to go with his present so I sit down at the desk and start writing. I just had to let him know that I was still here for him even though we are so far apart. I fold it up and leave it on my desk while I brush out my hair and then throw it up into a messy bun.

We drive to the park listening to music. Every now and then I catch a glimpse of Hayden looking over at me. He keeps acting like he wants to say something but he doesn't and continues smiling as if he knows a secret and refuses to tell me.

When we get to the park, I help take out the bags and carry them to a nearby table. Mr. Shaw heats up the grill and is planning on cooking hotdogs. While gets that going, Mrs. Shaw starts sitting up the table. Hayden throws a ball at my face catching me off guard.

"Hey you wanna go play kickball or something while they are getting everything ready?"

"Sure why not." I smil at him and toss the ball back to him.

We are playing a good ten minutes before I hear someone calling out my name. The voice sounds so familiar and I feel the tears before I even turn around to see him. River is in the process of running towards me and by the time I reach out for him he is already in my arms and knocking me over. I fall to my bottom with a hard thud with his arms wrapped around me.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Star is it really you!" he screeches.

"Yes." I hug him so tight to me.

"It's me River, it's me. I've missed you so much. I want to be with you. Please tell them to let me stay with you, please."

"Hey...hey!" I strok his head, trying to calm him down just like I use to do. "Not much longer kido, I promise."

"It's already been longer Star. I don't want to go back."

"Hey it can't be that bad, can it?" He starts to worry me. If I find out it is bad I just know I will pick a fight and protest for us to be together.

"No, they are nice and all, but it's not the same. I want to be home with you and Storm and Dawn."

"I know me to."

Then I hear another scream and River and I both jump up and look at the cutest little girl in a yellow sundress running up to us, Dawn is getting so big or so it seems even though it has only been a little over a month now. She is laughing with excitement to see us. She hugs me so freaking tight and  for a split second lets me go just long enough to hug River.

Mr. Shaw yells for us all to come over and eat. I introduce River and Dawn to the Shaws and then to Hayden. We sit and talk for a good hour. We talk about what we have been doing. We did not talk about momma or Jackson.

After lunch, the Shaws and Mr. Dawson start cleaning up, as we all go and played kickball. It was so nice to be able to play with them. I had hoped Storm would be here too but maybe they would not let him, I don't know. For the time being I was having fun. It feels so good to see them and to know that they are doing alright, things were going to be ok.

Mr. Dawson calls us back over to the picnic table and places a box on the table. He opens it and takes out a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and written in blue is written, 'Happy Birthday River!"

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