Chapter 10

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a while since we've seen them, and now, we're lucky enough to have them here, on the show, right now. Give it up for the star crossed lovers from .district 12! Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!" Caesar announces.

Everyone cheers and screams as we walk onto the stage. Caesar wraps his arms around us.

"It's good to see you!" He bellows. "We've got so much to talk about." He continue before turning to the audience "right folks?"

More cheering.

"Please, take a seat." He says gesturing to the seat behind us.

We sit down, Katniss' dress splaying out slightly, I see she's nervous, so I grab her hand, squeezing it tightly.

"So, there's a rumour you two are married, we'd of asked your escort but it didn't seem like he place. Of course there were pictures, but they could of been photoshopped. So tell me, did you two get married?"

"Yes" Katniss and I said together.

The whole crowd 'awws' and 'ahhs'

"That's lovely! That's really, really good. Now, Effie came on and told us that you had a kid, and another on the way if I'm not mistaken, is that true?" He asks.

"Yes, that's true" I say.

The crowds screaming, crying and some people are even fainting.

"Tell us more" Caesar demands "I think the crowd wants to know"

"Her name's Willow" I say. "She's three now"

"We don't have a name for baby number two yet." Katniss speaks up.

More awwws

"Are you having a boy or a girl?" He asks

"We don't know yet" I tell him.

"I think you've sent the whole crowd into a frenzy." Caesar says. "Do promise me you'll come on the show again soon"


"And please, by all means, next time bring your daughter"

He asks us more about district 12, and our neighbours. He laughed when we tell him, unfortunately we live next to Haymitch and Johanna.

All too soon we have to leave.

"I found that kind of fun" I whispered on the train home.

"Surprisingly, I did too. Maybe next time we can bring Willow" Katniss replies. I'd like that.

And less than 2 months later, we were being flown, by hovercraft to the Capitol for interview number 2

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