Chapter 11

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I never knew how caring Caesar could be. He was amazing in fact.

Before the second interview, the interview where we had brought Willow, Caesar came back stage half an hour before the show and introduced himself to her.

I personally thought that was a great idea, because Caesar could be quite scary with his freshly dyed mint green hair.

Caesar went out and started to talk to the crowd.

"Do you remember when we had our favourite victors here a couple of months ago?" Caesar asks

The crowd cheers and screams.

"Well, you'll be happy to know, they're back."

The crowd cheers even louder.

"That's not even the best part. They've brought their daughter! And I have to admit, she's my new best friend. Give it up for, Katniss, Peeta and their lovely daughter Willow!"

The crowd screams as loud as we can as we walk on stage.

"Please, please. Take a seat" Caesar says.

We sit down and Willow buries her head into Katniss' dress.

"Someone's a little camera shy" Caesar jokes.

"It's her first interview. Give her some credit" I say with a laugh.

"It's okay sweetie" Katniss whispers. Willow suspiciously removes her head.

"Do you, by any means happen to know the gender of baby number 2 yet?" Caesar asks leaning forward

"Yes, we're hav-"

"No, no don't tell us yet" Caesar insists. "The betting is pretty hot in the Capitol. If you look here" he says gesturing up at the screen which is split into two parts 'boy' and 'girl'

He presses a button and numbers appear under the screen.

81% girl

19% boy

"So basically, 81% of the Capitol think your having another girl" Caesar explains.

"Are we allowed to vote?" Katniss asked.

Caesar laughs. "Not a chance! You two actually know the answer. You'd steal all our money!"

"That's a very good point" I agree

"Do you want to know now?" Katniss asks

"Yes! Of course we do! We've been waiting for two whole months!" Caesar exclaims. "You're killing us"

"Willow?" Katniss asks. "Do you want to tell them?"

"Yeah" she says

Caesar holds a microphone out to Willow.

"I'm getting a little brother" Willow says.

Screams erupt from the crowd. Some people are happy, but most of them are pissed because they lost their money.

Caesar leans in closer. "They're sending in the police, you should get out of here. I think there's going to be a riot. But do, please keep in touch"

"Okay" I whisper as we leave.

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