Chapter 32

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"Hey" I said as Katniss introduced me to her dad.

"Ah, you must be Peeta" he said shaking my hand."I know your uncle"

"Oh?" I say surprised.

"Yeah, it's like a death club. There's me, him and this guy Steve, although Steve's quite a, well you know, asshole"

"Johanna says she hates him" Katniss says speaking up.

"He really is horrible" her dad agreed.

"You've got to see the kids" Katniss insists, leading him into the living room.

I scoop up Rye into my arms as Willow comes bounding over from drawing on the floor, she hands me the drawing.

I awkwardly examine it with one arm, "that's very good sweetie" I tell her

"I drew everyone I knew!" She exclaims

"Yes, I can see that" I tell her, "how about we put this on the fridge"

Willow jumps up and down excitedly and leads me into the kitchen to pin the drawing on the fridge.

I return thirty seconds later. "Sorry about that" I explain.

We sit down and introduce Willow and Rye.

"So what age are you?" Mr Everdeen asks Willow.

"I'm 3 and a half" she says.

"And what age is this little fellow?"

"He's a baby" Willow says.

Katniss and I laugh slightly, "he's 3 weeks old" I tell him

Rye falls asleep in my arms, as we talk to him. Willow sits quietly on Katniss' knee, listening to our conversation.

Mr Everdeen stays all day, and it's getting dark before he leaves.

Johanna's POV

My little sister Kenzie called me. Now, okay I know my whole family are supposed to be dead, but Kenzie survived, my parents, in a weird, fucked up sort of way, saved her. My parents were sexist assholes, they only wanted boys, so of course I came along to ruin that. My parents treated me like shit, particularly my dad. When I was 3 years old, my mom gave birth to my brother, they absolutely adored him, just like they absolutely adored my three older brothers. But then, when I was 5, mom gave birth the Kenzie. Now, having one daughter is bad enough, but having two? So, they got rid of her, they sent her in to the community home. They would of sent me too, but I knew too much, I knew that my father was stealing the wood he chopped down for our house, and I knew what he was doing was illegal, so he kept me, and gave up Kenzie.

Once you're put into the community home you're registered under the name 'Foster' so Kenzie isn't called Kenzie Mason, she's called Kenzie Foster, asides from the different name, she also looks different, she has the same eye colour as me (brown) but unlike me, Kenzie has blonde wavy hair. You couldn't tell we were related. My parents told us (me and my brothers) that we weren't allowed to talk to her, of course, me being the rebellious bitch that I am, tracked her down when I was 14 (shortly after my dad broke my arm) we met in secret, every Tuesday after school at the end of a deserted alleyway.

I remember when I was reaped, shortly after my dad 'died' I saw my whole family, sitting by the sidelines, they didn't care, perhaps maybe one or two of my brothers cared, but overall, they didn't give a shit. My eyes met Kenzie's in the crowd, she was devastated, and that's when I formed my plan, the plan which involved me crying a lot, and I somehow won. I came home. President Snow told me I'd have to prostitute myself, so me being the rebellious, gutsy bitch that I am told him to go suck it. So he killed my family, but no one could tell Kenzie and I were related, both by name, looks, and even personality. They couldn't even kill her as a friend, because I kept my meetings with her top secret for fear of getting caught by my parents. Kenzie lived. She came to the meeting place every Tuesday, but I was never there, believe me, I wanted to go, but if I did they'd find out we were friends, or worse, related. And they'd kill her. So I never spoke to her again. 2 years later. I was heading to the reaping with Blight, while he carried that stupid cake he insisted on buying every year for the event. We had to be there, even though we didn't want to be, so Blight thought he'd make things better, and we'd stuff ourselves on cake after. We were stuck behind a group of girls, roughly about 14, and the slowest walkers in the country.

"Well my parents are buying me a cake for when I don't get picked. But then again, I have parents, what are you getting Kenzie? Oh that's right, nothing, because everyone hates you, plus, you'll probably get picked anyway."

"What the hell's your problem Makayla?" Kenzie asked her


I snatch the cake from Blight, open the lid of the box, pretending to be examining the cake.

I swing my leg back, kicking Makayla as hard as I can.

"Hey watch it, you clumsy bitc-" she starts before turning around.

She realises it's me. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it was you, it was obviously as accident and I'm sorry for assum-"

I press the cake right into her face. "Enjoy your fucking cake, bitch" I say, walking past the pissed off Makayla, the grinning Kenzie and the astounded rest of the group.

The day after I got back from the games, with no returning district 7 tributes. (A Tuesday) there was a knock at my door.

"I don't care who you are, but don't you ever think about throwing cake at my daughter ever again or I swear I'll-"

I cut her off "I'd love to stand and talk" I told her, "but right now I've got a cake to decorate"

For the record, I wasn't even lying, I'd bought a cake from the bakery, I was going to give it to Kenzie, she still went to our meeting place every Tuesday, so I was going to sneak over there today with the cake. I'd also borrowed the icing tools from the baker. Well, I'd rented them, because I was paying the asshole. I couldn't risk telling him what I wanted written, so I had to do it myself.

it took forever to decorate, because for the record - and I have to give bread boy credit for doing it so well - cake decorating is extremely hard, the cake said 'congrats on not dying'

I looked the clock, and I'd only ten minutes until the school ends. I shove the cake in a box, pull up my hood, and carefully make my way to the meeting place. I know immediately I haven't been followed.

I set the cake box on the half knocked down wall that Kenzie always sits on before sitting on the derelict stairs I sat on the black spiral steps the I always sat on in the corner of the alley.

Kenzie makes her way into the alleyway, she doesn't notice me (or the cake) and is about to sit on top of it before she sees it. She slowly opens the box, noticing the cake. She nearly cried, before slowly trying it.

"It's not poisoned" I tell her.

"Johanna!" She exclaims throwing her arms around me.

I explain to her why I can't see her, but I still promise to sneak away every Tuesday to see her.

And I do.

Every Tuesday.

I got closer to her than ever before, I heard her dramas, and a lot about that bitch Makayla.

So when she called me tonight, asking about club Electro, I agreed to go with her, despite the fact that I am in fact barred for life after attacking Enobaria and Beetee with a chair. So Kenzie boarded a train, for the first time ever, (I always went to 7 to meet her) to district 12. We'd agreed to stay here a while before heading to district 2.

It'd be nice to show Kenzie my house, and to introduce her to Katniss and Peeta and Haymitch. And of course, I had a plan, which involved me, Kenzie and a lovely (note the sarcasm around the word 'lovely') meeting with our estranged father, which may involve a few bricks.

Authors note: so we've seen a bit of Johanna's past and been introduced to Mr. Everdeen (sorry about the late update)

QOTD: Favourite Johanna quote?

(If you're going to do her interview quote, leave out the word fuck because it'll get blocked for being offensive)

We're Still On Fire (Katniss and Peeta)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu