Chapter 22

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Katniss and I lounge about the house, Johanna has Willow, so we basically just watch tv and talk and Katniss tweets a bit and then we eat a late night dinner. Buttercup makes an entrance for about 15 minutes and we just get time to relax.

We head for a shower, splashing water and throwing sponges at each other laughing. We get out and go downstairs, we kiss and we cuddle and we watch some more tv.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you more" Katniss replies with a grin

"That's debatable"

"I'm really not sure if it is" she laughs, kissing my cheek.

"You bet it is" I say, pulling myself out of her arms and kissing her.

Katniss gets hungry, so we go to the kitchen to see what there is.

I'm looking in the fridge when I hear her

"Oh shit!" She gasps. "I think the baby is coming!"

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