I've Got What I Wanted. Part 27

Start from the beginning

“You finish at lunchtime anyway.” He smirked and shrugged.

“I’ll try and get away earlier than that. But what do we need?” I let out a breath and ran a hand through my hair.

“We need a pram (buggy). I think we should get one of those ones that you can take apart so you can carry the cot thing. That would be pretty handy.” He nodded in agreement. “Then just little bits and pieces. You know like a changing bag, sheets and blankets and a baby monitor. You know things like that. Then we can pick up some more clothes as we go. We have enough clothes to get us through the first few weeks.” He nodded, taking a sip of his drink.

“We’ll just go into town and see what we can get. We’ve got most of the stuff anyway. We can pick up the formula and nappies closer to the due date.” I yawned leaning against the table. “Tired?” He leant forward and brushed his hand across mine.

“A little bit. I didn’t really get much sleep last night.”

“Did you try sleeping on your side like the nurse said?” I nodded, squeezing his hand slightly. “Do you want to give tonight a miss then?” Why doesn’t he want to go? He’s been with me before. Albeit he wasn’t in the best of moods the last time we went. But I just assumed that was because he was tired.

The first couple of weeks after we found out I was pregnant was quite tough. He was just as tired as I was. Every time I got up, he would get up with me. If he knew I was awake. He was there every time I was throwing up because of morning sickness. Every time we went to the doctors he was there. He’s just been there the whole time. And every time I freak out because I don’t know if I can do this, he’s always there to reassure me. If it wasn’t for him, I really think I’d be in an absolute mess right now.

“Why are you so set against going to their house?” I asked him, for what must’ve been the fiftieth time.

“I never said I was. I just can’t be bothered going over tonight. I’ve got work in the morning; I just want to go home and relax tonight. If you were going back to Uni you’d probably not want to go over either.” He leant back in his chair, removing his hand from mine.

“But I’m not going back to Uni. I don’t mind going over. It saves us a lot of hassle to be honest.”

“It doesn’t really. We have to go home, put everything away and then drag ourselves over to his house. I just don’t want to do that when I’ve got work tomorrow.” I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

“Fine don’t go. If you don’t want to, then don’t go.” I looked up at him, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

“But you want me to go; so I’ll go. I’m just saying I don’t want to go.” I gave him a shrug to tell him I didn’t care.

“I don’t want you to go if you don’t want to go. You can stay at home and do what you want. I don’t want you to go if you’re just going to be in a mood for the whole night.” He sighed and stood up.

“Fine,” he walked over to the counter without another word. I stood up, grabbing my coat. I pulled it on before grabbing my bags. I made sure I had everything, before heading out of the diner. “Give me the bags,” Caleb stood in front of me to stop me from leaving.

“I’ve got them, move.” When he didn’t I sighed and set the bags on the ground. I walked around him and headed for his car. Idiot.


“Is Caleb starting work tomorrow?” My dad asked as we ate dinner. I was hoping that nobody would mention him. But I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

“Yeah, but it’s only a half day so he’ll be finished by lunchtime.” He nodded as I went back to my dinner. Well tried, I wasn’t really that hungry. I was sick of having arguments with Caleb.

“How come he didn’t come tonight then?” I sighed and looked up at them.

“I told him not to come.” My dad looked at me confused as Stephanie just smirked. I really do hate her so much. “He’s pis-annoying me so I told him just to stay at home.” I was about to swear until I realised Damien was in the room.

“Why what happened?” I sighed and shook my head.

“Just something stupid. Ever since we found out about Michael we’ve just been so tired and stressed. So we’ve just been snapping at each other over the stupidest things.”

“Michael?” My dad asked confused. Oh yeah, I never told them we’ve named the baby.

“We called the baby Michael after Caleb’s father. I’ve just gotten used to trying to call him Michael instead of Him or It.” My dad smiled and nodded.

“How come He wasn’t named after me?” He joked, making me smile.

“We just thought it’d be nice to have his parents involved in it this way. Plus your name sucks,” he laughed shaking his head.

“That’s a nice idea and a nice name. But don’t get too stressed okay? It’s not good for you or for the baby.” I smiled and nodded.

“Don’t worry I won’t,” I sat back in my chair showing I was finished. I just really didn’t have an appetite.

“Right, clear off while we clean the table.” I smiled and stood up. I followed Johnny into the living room, and sat down beside him.

“I’m exhausted,” I said resting my head on his shoulder. He laughed and patted me knee.

“Why didn’t you tell me you guys named the baby? I would have thought you’d want my permission.” I laughed and pulled away from him.

“I don’t care if you don’t like it, we do. It actually means a lot to both of us. He never talks about his parents.” He gave me a small smile, nudging my knee.

“I like it, it’s a nice name.” I smiled, when my phone vibrated. I took my phone out of my pocket as he turned on the TV.

‘Are you busy tomorrow? I thought we could go and get a coffee?’ I looked up at the ID expecting to see Cahill texting me. But I was annoyed when I saw it was Adam.

‘I’m busy with Caleb. I’m never going want to go out with you Adam. Get it though that thick skull of yours. I’m going out with Caleb. Not you.’ Does this guy not get something that is so clear? He’s just really annoying. Ever since he came, he’s not been the same guy.

‘I just want to talk about stuff. I’ve got something that I want to tell you face to face.’ I sighed and rolled my eyes. He is actually such an idiot.

‘I really don’t care what it is. It’s probably nothing anyway.’ I really hoped that he’d finally get the message. But when I read his reply, it wasn’t what I was expecting.

‘He’s not as amazing as you think he is. I wanted to tell you that he cheated on you.’

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