He nodded and smiled.

"You thought I'd let another summer go to waste?", he asked when everyone engaged in another conversation and they weren't really paying attention.

I shrugged. "Maybe you wanted to go with just the lads?"

He snorted. "Kitty's coming too and Max I think."

"What about my boyfriend?", Jake interrupted us, suddenly looking up from his pizza and that was that.

When we got back to the hotel I didn't even have time to take off my shoes because Niall pinned me against the door and dropped to his knees, lips already red and bitten from anticipation.

I didn't complain.


"Your faces are fucking huge mate!", Niall exclaimed the first time we saw the tour buses in the parking lot behind the Croke Park arena.

One of the tour buses had 5SOS' faces on them.

It was the 26th of June and the boys were performing in about five hours in front of over eighty thousand people.

There were four tour buses; two for the crew, one for 5SOS and one for One Direction. Katherine, Max and I were on the same bus as Niall and the others, since each bus had about eight beds.

"Wait until you see the inside, it's fucking amazing!", Michael said and Niall didn't wait for another word, because he stepped inside, followed by Jake, Max and Zayn.

Katherine, Liam and I stood outside because she was halfway through the cigarette and wanted company.

"So I noticed yesterday that you guy and Zayn get along better now?", I asked crossing my arms.

"Yeah. He...he got used to the idea of us.", Liam said and Katherine nodded, letting out a smoke so she could speak too.

"He apologized for being an asshole actually. Was quite surprised because he'd done nothing wrong. But oh well.", she said smiling and leaned against Liam.

"So everything's good?"

They both nodded, and then all three of us climbed up on the tour bus. It was pretty awesome: it had a big kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom that led to the big living room.

Niall was already on the left couch, Xbox controller in his hand and playing FIFA '15 with Jake against Max and Zayn.

I sat down next to Jake and opened the small mini fridge, taking out a bottle of water as I watched them play. Even though the games was extremely boring, it was fun to watch them playing it because they swore most of the time, and sometimes they whacked each other over the back of their heads.

Thirty minutes later, Paul came to tell them that they had to go in and rehearse once before the concert actually started, and they had to go NOW because people would start to show up pretty soon.

They were led backstage, but Katherine, Max and I remained in the bus to change our clothes.

I dressed up in some red shorts, a USA-flag crop top and of course my black Vans.

Everyone: http://www.polyvore.com/croke_park_baby/set?id=126025302

We found our way backstage thanks to another security guy who led us through a lot of long corridors, until we finally got to a door that had 5SOS written on top of it, and under it One Direction.

Niall and Zayn were seated in some chairs while two women did their hair, and Jake and Liam were already dressed up and styled, currently occupying themselves with the Play Station 6 that was in the corner of the room.

The One That Got Away (Punk Frat Boy Niall)Where stories live. Discover now