Falling Apart

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Chapter 22:

"Okay Colton, you said that if she didn't show up to school we'd come up with something else. Well guess what? She didn't fucking show up to school! Now Kota's in deep shit, Ava's probably in deep shit, and pretty soon we're all going to be in really deep shit!" Quentin was pacing the living room, panicking.

"I—" Colton was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Who is it, Colt?" Dominic asked anxiously.

"It's an unknown number," Colton read the screen.

"That has to be him. Put it on speaker," Zeke sat down on the couch, and Dominic and Quentin joined him, looking over his shoulder as he prepared to trace the call.

"Hello?" Colton spoke into the phone.

"It's been a long time, Colton," Cade's smoky, smooth tone came through the speaker.

"Cade," Colton snarled, "Where is she?"

"Where is who, exactly?"

"Ava!" Colton slammed his fist down on the coffee table.

"Is that any way to speak to your older brother, Colton? And here I thought mom raised you better than that," he clicked his tongue in a teasing disapproval.

"Is she with you or not, Cade? I swear if you hurt her--" Colton was practically crushing the phone in his hand.

"She's fine, Colton. I went easy on her, you know, since it was her first time."

"W-what?" Colton felt his stomach sink.

"And don't worry, we used protection," Cade said, and then the line went dead.

A tense, gut-wrenching atmosphere surrounded them as they each came to the realization of what happened. No one knew what to say or do next.

"Colton," Zeke whispered, but when he could barely hear his own voice, he repeated himself.

"Colton... I-I have his location," Zeke mumbled.

"Let's go," Colton spat, "I'm going to kill that bastard."

Ava rested in the corner in which Cade had left her, her dress covered in dirt and dust. Her tears had smeared her makeup and reddened her eyes. She was counting the cracks in the floor, when she heard a soft knock on the door, followed by the release of each lock.

Another boy, about the same age as the others, shuffled into the room, stopping several feet away.

Ava's eyes started at his sneakers, gradually moving up his tattered jeans, then his black V-neck, finally settling on his face. His black hair made his pale skin seem even lighter, and his emerald eyes focused on her.

"I brought you some water," he spoke gently, "I'm going to set it down right here, okay?" He tilted his head, giving her a small smile. Ava continued to watch him carefully, but didn't answer his question.

"I'm Reed. If you need anything, I can get it for you. I can't let you go, though," he looked down at his feet, disappointed in himself, "But I won't hurt you, either."

When Ava still didn't respond, he turned around and headed back toward the door. He placed his hand on the knob, but before he turned it, he looked back at Ava, who was still watching him closely.

"Colton will come for you. I have no doubt in my mind," the corners of his lips turned up once again, and he gave her a slight nod before leaving the room. 

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