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Chapter 14:

"You kissed him?!" Dakota was practically screaming out of excitement. Sure, she was excited for Ava, but beyond that, she was thrilled that she finally had another girl to gossip with.

"She kissed who?" Quentin slid into the seat beside Dakota, almost spilling his lunch tray.

"Finn," Dakota giggled, making Ava shrink in her seat.

"I strongly disapprove of this. Come on, Ava. You could do better," Quentin shook his head.

"No one cares what you think, Quentin," Dakota stole a french fry off of his tray, waving it in his face before sinking her teeth into it. It seemed like Dakota was always eating, but even so, she remained thin overall, though she did have a slight 'food baby' belly. Ava had always been self-conscious about her looks, but watching Dakota give zero fucks about what anyone thought inspired Ava.

"Listen," Dominic came running up to the table, out of breath, "Colt is about to come over here. He got another card and he's super pissed, so don't make it worse." He stared directly at Quentin, who was completely oblivious to Dominic's hint.

Sure enough, Colton and Zeke joined the rest of the group at the table, an aura of fiery rage surrounding the both of them.

"Dare I ask?" Quentin raised an eyebrow at Colton, holding back a smirk.

Colton pulled an eight of hearts out of his pocket and slid it into the center of the table.

"It's an invitation," he sighed, "to a party."

"What party?" Ava asked.

Colton reached into his other pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it, revealing it to be a flyer for a party.

"So he wants us to go to some senior's house and get wasted?" Dakota asked.

"You are not going," Colton looked into her eyes, coldly.

"Why not?" Dakota challenged him, even though she knew the answer.

"Because you're a freshman. You have no place at a party that will be mostly upperclassmen," he shot back.

"Bullshit. We both know the reason. You don't trust me," she stood up, staring down at him intensely, waiting for an answer.

When Colton remained silent, she threw her plastic fork at him, then stormed out of the area.

"That wasn't your best excuse, bro. Ava isn't an upperclassman—" Dominic began.

"—Ava isn't going either," Colton took a bite of his burger, waiting for Ava to argue too, but little did he know Ava had no desire to be put in another life-threatening position.

"Do you think he's gonna be there, Colt?" Zeke asked as he reread the flyer.

"I damn sure hope so," he gritted out.

"I wonder if Finn will be there..." Quentin joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Shut up," Ava murmured as she picked up Dakota's fork from earlier and chucked it at Quentin's head.

"What happened with Finn?" Zeke and Colton asked simultaneously.

"Nothing," Ava stood, collecting her trash, leaving the boys to gossip about her.

As Ava swiped a textbook from her locker, she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket.

*Hey. Party tonight at 7? *

It was from Finn. Ava had no doubt he was referring to the very party she was forbidden to go to by Colton.

"Hey," Dakota's voice startled Ava, causing her to drop her phone.

"Sorry," Dakota laughed, "Ooh! Is that a text from Finn?"

"He wants me to go to the party tonight. But Colton forbade me, too."

"He 'forbade' you? Please, girl, the only way Colton Blackwell could stop you from doing anything is if he physically held you in place. And you and I both know there is no chance in hell he is missing that party," she placed a hand on her hip, "Go. I'll cover for you. We can pretend to have a 'girl's night in,' and once they're gone you can leave."

"You'd do that?" Ava's eyes lit up.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm your greatest ally here," Dakota took Ava's phone from her hand, typing a message for her.

*See you there! * 

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