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5 years ago:

The harmony of two bullets ripping through flesh echoed throughout the halls of the house. When the only sounds remaining were the ringing in his ears and the stifled cries of his younger brother, Cade crawled out from underneath the king-sized bed that dominated his parents' bedroom. He placed his throbbing ear against the thin, wooden door, listening for heavy, threatening footsteps.

"I think we're safe, Colt," he whispered shakily, his eyes drifting over to his brother, who remained huddled under the bed, lightly rocking back and forth.

"Colton!" Cade whispered louder, motioning for his brother to follow him.

Tiptoeing, they followed the trails of blood, until they encountered two bodies, one lifeless woman, and a man gasping for air, reaching for the boys.

"Cade..." he croaked, and as Cade kneeled beside his fading father, his tears began to fall, dripping from his jawline into the red liquid surrounding his parents.

"Take care of Colt. You'll be eighteen next soon," their father coughed, and his breathing rate slowed.

"Dad..." Colt let out a muffled cry from behind his brother.

"You are Blackwells. You were born into this life, just like your mother and I," and with each diminishing heart beat, his voice began to disappear.

"Cade...Colton... Don't forget who you are," his exhaled, his eyelids closing as he took his last breath. 

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