Game On

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Chapter 4:

"Now would be a great time to just chloroform the girl and throw her in the trunk," Quentin gestured towards the girl's bathroom, where Ava had walked into a few seconds earlier.

"In broad daylight? During lunch period?" Zeke rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"What if I just go in there and ask her what she knows?" Colt's foot was perched on the wall, his arms folded over his chest, but his eyes remained on the floor as he made the suggestion.

"You do realize that is the girl's bathroom, right? Has Quentin's stupidity rubbed off on you?" Zeke argued.

"It's not a bad idea, though. But Kota should go, you know, because she's a girl and all," Dominic looked over at Dakota, whose face was as red as a strawberry.

"Me? Why should I have to clean up your mess? You do remember that this is your fault right? She saw the gun because of you."

Just as Dominic was about to defend himself, Colt pushed passed the group and strode right into the girl's bathroom without a word.

Ava stood at the opposite end of the bathroom, drying her hands with a paper towel. At the sound of the door opening, she looked up, not expecting to see Colton Blackwell standing before her in the girl's bathroom.

"I-I...B-but...This is the girl's bathroom," she swallowed, squeezing the towel in her hand.

"I know," his deep voice sent chills down her spine, "We need to talk." He turned around, and for a brief moment, Ava thought he was going to leave. But the click of the door being locked sent her back into a panic.

Colt crossed his arms as he swaggered towards her, giving her nowhere to run.

"Tell me the truth. Are you with Cade?" he demanded.

"C-Cade? I-I don't know a Cade," she began fiddling with the towel she still held in her hands, making little tears at the ends.

Colt ripped the towel out of her hand and tossed it into the trashcan beside them.

"Don't play games. He's back in town, I know it. It's no coincidence you show up at the same time. Did he think I wouldn't catch on?"

"I don't know anyone named Cade! P-Please let me leave!" Tears streamed down Ava's face, and she began hyperventilating.

"Tell me the truth!" Colt smashed his fist into the drywall, tearing a hole into the freshly painted wall. Ava sunk to the floor, bringing her legs to her chest, crying into her knees.

"I don't know...I don't know...I don't know..." she chanted, hoping he would listen.

She heard his footsteps fade, then the click of the door unlocking, as he, once again, left her sitting on the floor.

"I was wrong," Colt ran his hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact with his gang.

When no one spoke, Colt continued. "I was too quick. Too irrational. She knew nothing. And worse, I terrorized her. I messed up," he closed his eyes and gripped the sides of his head with his palms.

"You want answers. We all do. But now Cade isn't our only problem. That girl has got enough information to put us in prison. And if we get exposed, so does every other gang in town, ally or enemy," Dakota placed a hand on Colt's shoulder.

"Maybe confronting her wasn't the best idea before, but now it's our only idea. We have to convince her not to go to the cops," Zeke added.

"So what do you suggest, Zeke?" We go to her and say 'Hey! We're in a gang, but it's a secret, so please don't tell! Pinky promise?'" Quentin wiggled his pinky finger towards Zeke, who nearly had fumes coming out of his ears.

"I'll handle it. The right way, this time," Colt began to walk to his locker, and everyone followed.

"Colt, you don't have –" Dakota paused when she saw a playing card dangling from a string in Colt's locker.

"'Game on, little brother'," Dominic read the card, "What does that mean, man?"

"There must be someone here helping him, right?" Dakota raked her eyes over the Ace of Spades.

"But it's not Ava, right?" Quentin looked at Colt for reassurance.

"No. But it means he's back. And he wants to play games with me," Colton ripped the card off the string and slammed his locker shut.

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