What The Boys Are Doing....

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Natsu's POV

"What!" I yelled
I read the note again......
"I can't believe it," Gray said
"They just went off," Jellal sighed
"I wanted to see the city," Gajeel complained.

We're going on a tour with Lolly.


And that's it!!!!!!!

Lucy's POV

I wonder if the boys found our note yet......

Oh well!

Natsu's POV

Lucy when you get back I'm going to kill you!
"Did you guys know Laxus wasn't a morning person?" Gray wondered
"What do you mean?" Gajeel asked
"He's snoring away in there," Gray replied
"Hey are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" I grinned. Gray and Gajeel smirked as well, Jellal didn't want to be a part of it.

We crept into Laxus's bedroom with permanent marker and drew whatever we wanted.
"Now let's go before he wakes up," Gajeel whispered
We nodded and tip toed out.

"Who drew the beard?" I questioned
"I thought you did," Gray told me
"What about you, Gajeel?" I turned to him
"I thought Gray did it," Gajeel blinked
"Nice going Flame Brain," Gray said sarcastically
"Don't look at me, it's Metal Head's and fault as well," I defended
"Well Ice Princess is as responsible as us," Gajeel pointed out.

And so the name calling began leading to a fight.

Next thing I know I'm on the floor, taken out not by Elsa and Iron Freak But by a grumpy Laxus.
"You idiots woke me up," Laxus hissed "you never ever to that,"

Usually I would of been terrified but it's hard to when I saw what was in his face.
We all burst out laughing resulting in being killed by Laxus.

It's been a couple of hours and Laxus still doesn't know what we did.
In that time we went for breakfast, I ate a lot. Then we went to the arcade.

Many people looked at Laxus but he just assumed it was because we're members of Fairy Tail, he had no idea.

I got hungry again so we went to a restaurant.
Lauxus needed to go to the toilet.
We heard a yell.
Then we remembered toilets have bathrooms.
We knew we were going to die today.
We ran.
We didn't make it.
Jellal was still sitting there drinking tea.
Which by the way not all English people like.
And its scone not scone. As in scone and scon.
And English people don't always talk about the wether and aren't posh.
That's what I leant form this trip.
This may be the last trip I take.
"Really boys are idiots," I heard Lucy. I must be hallucinating in my final moments.
"I know," Levy agreed. Why would I think of Levy?
"That's why we ditched them," Juvia sighed
"That's was fun watching them go through the window though," Mira pointed out.
"Yes but now we need to pay for property damage," Erza sighed
"Still I've always wanted to see something like that," Lolly sounded excited.

I suddenly realised that I wasn't imagining it the girls were really here.
"Hey you ditched us!" I jumped up
They all looked away.

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