Christmas Party

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Lucy's POV

"Guys! Since it's Christmas Eve today why do t we all have a Christmas Party!" Mira suggested to me, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Jellal and Lauxus.
"Yeah!" We all agreed
"I know the perfect place to have it," Natsu grinned
"Where?" I asked

"Of course....." I sighed "it was my apartment,"
"Lucy come on join in!" Juvia smiled
"Ok," I was annoyed, whenever we have a party it always turns into a mess, and it's usually at my house. Afterwards everyone leaves leaving me to clean up!!!!!!
"Let's play truth or dare!" Mira yelled
"You'd have to get us stoned to play that," Gajeel denied

Author's POV

Five minutes later

"Levy truth or dare," Mira slurred
"Dare," a drunk Levy replied
"I dare you to kiss Gajeel for a minute," Mira smirked
Levy sat on Gajeel lap and the kissing started.

A minute later we got back to the game.
"Lu Chan truth or dare?" Levy questioned
"Dare," Another drunk one named Lucy replied
"I dare you to take off your top," Levy laughed
"Yay! Fun!" Lucy stripped not only her top but her skirt as well.
"Lu Chan! Naughty naughty!" Levy giggled
"Ahah ahaha! Natsu am I sexy," Lucy asked dancing on the table
"Yeah woohoo Luce!" Natsu cheered
"Lauxus truth or dare," snorted Lucy
"Truth," a smiling Lauxus chose. Lauxus was smiling do you even need to asked if he was drunk.
"Is it true you love Mira?" Lucy smirked
"Yeah!" Lauxus said cheerfully
"Mira I command you to date this donkey!" Erza demanded, the donkey was Lauxus if you haven't already guessed
"Gray truth or dare?" Lauxus grinned
"Dare," Gray laughed
"Ask Juvia to marry you," Lauxus commanded
"Juvia will you marry me?" Asked Gray
"Ahhhhhhhhh! Gray Sama wants to marry Juvia! Juvia want to marry Gray Sama!" Juvia sobbed
"Flame Cookie, truth or dare?" Gray asked
"Truth, I'm so scared I don't want to pick dare," Natsu shuddered
"Would you like to sleep in Lucy's bed tonight?" Asked Gray
"Of course," Natsu whined
"Juvia truth or dare?" Natsu asked
"Juvia chooses dare!" Juvia was still crying
"I dare you too sleep in Gray's bed tonight," Natsu dared.
"Juvia would love that!" Juvia cried
"Gajeel truth or dare?" Juvia asked
"Dare!" Sang Gajeel
"I dare you to write asking about Levy and perform it in front of all of us!" Juvia sobbed

Gajeel sang a song about Levy, making it up as he went along.
Since everyone was drunk they were all cheering him on. Saying how amazing he was.
"Jellal truth or dare?" Gajeel asked
"Truth," Jellal said confidently
"How much do you like Erza on a scale from one to ten?" Gajeel questioned
"Ten," Jellal replied "Erza truth or dare?"
"Dare you horse!" Erza yelled
"I dare you to dance around in just your underwear," Jellal giggled

Erza did it and Jellal was watching intently. Pervert!!!!!!

"Mira truth or dare?" Erza asked
"Dare!" Smirked Mira
"I dare you to kiss Lauxus," Erza smirked
Mira got up walked towards Lauxus and kissed him smack on the lips.

They played for a little longer still drinking until eventually they passed out.

The next morning, Christmas Day, they all woke up with horrible hang overs.
"Why am I naked!" Lucy yelled
"I'm just in my underwear!" Erza shrieked

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