Identity Revealed

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Levy's POV

I sat on top of my suit case trying to close it. Why won't it close? Why? Why am I so small and light? Why is life so cruel?
"Levy!" Two morons yelled jumping through the window
"MY WINDOW!" I screeched. Turned and faced Jet and Droy
"What have I told you about breaking my window?" I say sternly
"We're sorry!" They say. Even before I became famous these 2 weirdos have been my best friends and also had huge crushes on me. It's super annoying. And now all they do most of the time is cry when I do something with my fans who are boys. If you ask me no matter how good of friends we are, they are the biggest morons ever. Geez! Remind me why I'm friends with them again? Sometimes I think my life is just random but then I remember all the good times I had with my band mates and friends and I think that life's great!✌️


I forgot about Juvia. I was meant to pick her up 5 minutes ago.
"Gah!" I yell running out the door grabbing my just closed suitcases and other bits and bobs like a disguise to cover up my identity, leaving Jet and Droy behind arguing about who I like more.

Juvia's POV

Where is Levy? Juvia has been waiting for 5 minutes now but no sign of her. Juvia sigh. She hasn't forgotten about Juvia has she? No Levy is a good friend and best of all extra good at remembering things.

*honk honk*

Juvia look up and sees Levy's car.
"Levy!" Juvia cries out
"Um.. hey Juvia, what was with that yell?" She asks Juvia
"Huh well Juvia thought Levy forgot about her," Juvia explains.
"Sorry, first I couldn't close my suitcase and then Jet and Droy came," Levy told Juvia. Juvia nodded as she knew that Jet and Droy were obsessed with Levy.

"Let's move!!" Levy yelled and Juvia agreed.

Mira's POV


God I hate my life sometimes! The press found out that 4 members of Fairy Wings were at Magnolia High School and decided to come here. To make my life worse all our fans are even wilder that usual after they heard that we were going on a world tour in the summer. Sometimes being famous makes me want to kill myself. And I'm not joking. But I won't do that because I have amazing friends who would be sad. Besides it's not like I have a bad life, just a busy one, and anyway I love my job it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I just wish I knew where Layla was. I know!

Mira: hey Layla want to hang out this afternoon?????

Layla: oh hey Mira! Sure love too!!! ❤️

Mira: great!!

Layla: ok meet you at the park in 5, if you want bring the others with you I don't mind!!

Mira: wait how do you know about the park???????????????? LAYLA!!!!!!

Layla: well it's a famous park, besides its all over the internet where you live so it doesn't take much to know where to meet you

Wow! Layla is smart. She figured out all that in about 5 minutes. Geez! Even though I get straight As I can't figure that out that quickly.

I quickly text the others to come to the park and head out.

Lucy's POV

After putting my Layla stuff on I run out of my house and then to the park. When I got there Mira was already there and so were the girls.
"Hey, Levy, Juvia, Erza and Mira!" I greet them panting and out of breath. After that we stood there chatting, went for a walk, had ice cream because you can't go to the park and not have ice cream. The whole time people were staring taking photos but at some point a big group of people gathered and chased us around trying to get our autographs or shake our hands. Some weirdos tried to kiss us. And they weren't just boys they were girls as well. After a while of running we hid down an alley and burst out laughing.
"That was so much fun!" Levy giggled
"Yeah, if you call nearly being squashed to death fun, Juvia only has eyes for Gray Sama!" Juvia yelled out dramatically
"Whose this Gray Sama?" Erza asked "and why didn't any of you let me punch those stupid people's faces in!"
We all sweat dropped.
"Any way, Gray Sama is a boy at our school who is in a rising band called Dragon Tail!" Juvia told us
"You mean Gray Fullbuster? Yeah he's in a few of my classes!" Mira pointed out and Levy nodded.
"Wait how would you know him if you have only been to school for one day?" I asked
"Well Juvia watched a lot of their videos online," Juvia explained
"Hey personally I think Gajeel's a hunk!" Levy said. We all stared at her in disbelief. Did Levy call a guy a hunk? Levy of all people! She shrank down signalling she didn't mean to say that aloud. We all laughed at her actions. Then I saw the time.
"Hey guys it's getting late we should go back home," I stated. They all look at the time and nod. We all say goodbye and walk away.

Erza's POV

Mira told us a plan that when we go home instead of actually going home we follow Layla and find out who she is. So that's what we are doing. Layla walks up to a small little house and checking no ones around goes inside. We all nod then agree to come back to this house tomorrow morning and find out who she is disguised as and why we can't find her.

Time Skip

It's the next day and we all go back to the house and wait and watch. About half an hour later a girl walks out. She looks familiar? Oh I know she's the girl called Lucy Heart.
"Guys, that's Layla," Levy hissed
"What no that's a girl in my class called Lucy Heart!" I say
"Don't you get it Erza? Lucy or Layla one of those is a fake name and the other is the real one, they are both the same person," Mira explains. I nod my head, understanding the situation.
"Lucy Heart stop!" Juvia yells down the road. Lucy or Layla turns around.
"OMG... Fairy Wings know my name!" She yelled pretending to be like she doesn't know us.
"Cut the act, we know your Layla!" Levy accused her. She took off her glasses took out her bun.
"So you guys figured it out, huh, thought it wouldn't be long but I never thought you would be this quick!" She smiled, being the Layla we all know.
"What's your real name?" Mira asked "Lucy Heart or Layla?"
"Neither!" She replied simply
"What do you mean?" I asked
"My real name is Lucy Heartfillia, Layla was my mother and I changed my surname so I wouldn't draw attention to myself, I sure you've all heard of Heartfillia and co," she replied we stood there shocked
"WHAT!!!!" We all yell!

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