Shipping Fun

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I'm sorry but I'm going away for the weekend for something really important. I'm doing a gymnastics competition abroad so I'm updating everything I'll miss now.
I'll post the results when I get back on Wednesday.

Lisanna's POV

My shipping senses are definitely tingling. Wow I sound like Mira. It must run in the family, why hasn't Elfman got it then. He must be too much of a real man to worry about shipping, well that's probably what he'll say anyway. I won't really believe him though. Awwww, now I feel bad for saying that, he is my big bro after all. Anyways on with the plan.

Since Lucy's so oblivious we'll have to inform her of Natsu's staring. Obviously we won't just tell her however Mira and I will give out hints. Then hopefully Lucy will say something like 'did I get ice cream in my hair' and then hopefully Natsu will say something cheesy like 'no your hair looks perfect'

It's an amazing plan if I do say so myself. Ok well Mira came up with most of it and I only helped a little but I was the one who noticed Natsu staring at Lucy. Anyway on with the plan!!
"Hey Lucy did you know that you may have some unwanted attention," I teased and moved my head in the direction of Natsu. Lucy looks over and sees him looking and realising he's been caught, Natsu faced away.
"Hey I'm gunna go find out why," Lucy said. She walked over to Natsu and went straight to the point.
"Umm, Natsu is there something on my face since I saw you staring?" Asked Lucy. As I thought. Ok as Mira thought, she was also listening in and grinning at me.
"No, I mean even if there was, you'd still look cute," Natsu muttered the last bit under his breath.
"Who'd look cute?" Wondered Lucy
"No one!" Natsu yelled
"Is it your crush?" Teased Lucy
"Yeah," sighed Natsu. Stupid, you'll give Lucy the wrong ideas. How dumb is he.
"Who is it?" Lucy pressed on.

Lucy's POV

For some reason when I found out Natsu had a crush I felt really sad. I don't know why but I do. My heart aches and feels like it's overwhelming with emotions. I'm happy for him of course but I feel jealous, angry and sad. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, everything's jumbled up and I'm confused. I focused on acting and put on a smile and said
"Who is it?"

Natsu seemed shocked at first, wonder why.
"Well can I at least have the first two letters of her surname?" I inquired. Wow I've asked a lot of questions.
"Well it's H and an E," he told me
"Is it Eve Hearth?" I guessed
"No," he rejected my guess
"Can't you just tell me!" I begged
"No!" Natsu was starting to get annoyed now.

I walked off in a huff. Natsu was supposed to be one of my best friends but if he won't trust me to know his secrets how can I trust him. Seriously the worst thing I'd do was try and set them up. He's over reacting way too much.

Natsu's POV

Lucy is trying to figure out my crush, what do I do, I mean I'm not telling her that it's Lucy Heart. I mean it could ruin our friendship. She could get creeped out and think that it's weird having your best friend in love with you then she might hate me.

What do I do!!!

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