Jellal Attempts Again

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Jellal's POV

Today I'll do it!!!!!
I'm going to confess to Erza!!!!!!!
Last time it failed but this time for sure it will work, I don't care what she responds with as long as I have courage I'll be proud of myself!!!!!!
Although if I'm rejected I'll have to go into hiding for the rest of my life or until people forget about the loser who was rejected by Erza.
I shuddered thinking of what might happen.
"My life would be ruined!" I yelled out
"Why would your life be ruined?" Natsu asked, confused.
"Ummm, no reason," I blushed in embarrassment
"Weirdo," Natsu grinned
"Well what do you expect he's friends with you," snickered Gajeel
"You too, Metal Head!" Natsu yelled
"What did you call me Flame Brain?" Demanded Gajeel
"You heard me Iron Freak!" Natsu insulted

They continued to argue when Gray came then he joined in the argument until all their girlfriends came and told them to stop it.
Like loyal puppies they did what they were told and Lucy, Levy and Juvia smiled.

Maybe st be nice to have a girlfriend.

Mira's POV

Come on Jellal man up already!!!!!!
The moment you two date all my OTP are complete!!!!!!!

Or Erza when will you realise your feelings???
You clearly like him your just too oblivious to it. If it was fighting she'd know straight away but when it comes to her heart, Erza doesn't understand....
I sighed.

What can I do to help?
I mean if only these two would just realise then life would be so much easier.
That's it!!!!!

What if I confessed for them!!!!!!!!!!


My master plan if coming together!!!!!

"Jellal Erza told me that she thinks that you've been looking really sexy at the moment," I smirked
Jellal blushed. Cute!!!!!
"Tell her I said thanks," He squeaked
"Will do!" I smiled and went over to Erza
"Erza Jellal said he thinks your the hottest girl in the school," I grinned
"Tell him I say that he is also handsome," she blushed
"Ok!" I said and walked back to Jellal
"She said that there's no need to thank her your handsome and she's not saying it to flatter you," I informed him
"Tell her I said she is also beautiful," he struggled to get out because of shock

I went back over to Erza and told her that he said she is beautiful.
I continued this until the bell rang and lunch was over.

"If Jellal asked you out what would you say?" I asked
"I'd.... I'd tell him I'd love to go out with him," she blushed

As I passed Jellal I whispered something in his ear and his face began to rival Erza's hair.
I smirked and walked away.

I yawned I was tired from watching anime late last night.
I noticed something amazing!!!!!!
Erza and Jellal were holding hands!!!!!!!!!
"What's the story behind this," I smirked
"Mira!" Erza turned around "actually as of yesterday, Jellal and I are a couple!"

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