The Kiss

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Lucy's POV

My face was red...... Natsu was on top of me and our lips had just touched.

Ok let me explain before you get the wrong ideas.

It was a nice morning today. The sun was shining and there was barely any clouds in the sky. I was on my way over to the movie studios where I was going to film a new movie with the girls and we asked if Natsu and his band could be in it for promotion and they said yes...

When I got there a script was handed to me.
"Ahh, Lucy, I want you to play the main lead," the director said.
"WHAT!!" I yelled. Mira and Erza were way better actors than me.
"Well your band mates asked if you and this young fellow called Natsu could play the main parts and since it is a romance I said sure because why not," the director said. I sweat dropped. Don't tell me....

"Yes NaLu is a cannon!!" Yelled an excited Mira. Yep she set this up so she could ship me and Natsu. I don't really mind I mean he's handsome, fun, happy and a nice guy, with nice byseps.......


What am I saying? Of course I mind. Beside Natsu's already going out with Lissana!!!! How could Mira ship me and Natsu and break her sisters heart...
"Mira you can't do that, what about Lisanna?" I asked her
"Lisa a broke up with Natsu and has a crush on this boy called Bixlow at the moment," explained Mira. Really gentle Lisanna has a crush on wild child Bixlow? Well opposites do attract. Take Levy and Gajeel for example. Gajeel is planning on asking her out later.

We learnt our lines for a week then started to film the first scene.

The movie was about a girl who moved away from her hometown and left her child hood sweet heart. She has an accident 3 years after she moves and gets amnesia. Another 7 years later she is 15 and has come back. She doesn't know the name of the person but he knows her. She has a locket he gave her and he has the key to unlock the locket. At the end there is a kiss.
My character is the main girl. Her name is Lizzy.
Natsu's character is the male lead. His name is Nathan.
Erza is my best friend. She is called Elsa.
Jellal is Natsu's friend. He is called Jason.
Levy is my other best friend. She is called Lexi.
Gajeel is Natsu's frenamy, they fight slot but are still friends. He is called Rex.
Juvia is my enemy at first I'm in love with Gray and we fight over him but in the end we are friends. She is called Via.
Gray is Natsu's rival as he is in love with me at first as well. He is called Sam.

It's the end scene. I'm so nervous. I don't know but part of me is feeling happy about this.
"Lizzy, you may not remember me but it's me I'm your childhood sweet heart, but I still love you!" Natsu says
"Nathan I can't remember you, I'm sorry but I..... I think I love you too," I say and we lean in and kiss. My face is so red. After the director says cut we pull away. Gray walks up to Natsu and..... shoves him over too me....

Natsu goes tumbling into me and he falls onto me and our lips touch for the second time only this time it not for a movie it's real.
"Get off me you pervert!!!!" I yell my face rivalling Erza's hair.
"How dare besmirch a fair maidens dignity!!!" Yelled Erza. It's best if I don't write this down. You'll have nightmares for years. Mira was squealing and fangirling. Levy was giggling and Juvia well....
"Yes Love Rival is not Love Rival any more!!"

Um okkkkkkk!!!

I think Erza just killed Natsu.....

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