Christmas Nalu

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Author's POV

"Natsu what are you doing over Christmas?" Lucy asked her boyfriend.
"Don't we have a concert that day?" Natsu wondered
"Yeah, but after," Lucy answered "Are you doing anything?"
"Nope," Natsu grinned
"So your not doing anything with your family?" Lucy questioned
Natsu's eyes darkened and he looked away.
"No," he muttered
"Are you ok?" Lucy asked concerned
"Yeah," Natsu replied
"If you say so...." Lucy wasn't convinced but thought if he didn't want to talk about it there's nothing she could do.
'Come to think of it I've never actually heard anything about Natsu's family,' Lucy thought.
"Any way I was thinking do you wanna come over for dinner, a Christmas dinner?" Lucy inquired
"Sure! I'd love to," Natsu smiled back to himself.

"Thank you for coming!!!" Lucy yelled out to the audience
"Merry Christmas!!!" Levy called out
"Have an amazing time!" Erza smiled
"Have a happy new year!" Mira winked
"Juvia hopes you all have an amazing time!" Juvia yelled
"Thank you so much for coming to our concert!" Thanked Natsu
"I hope you all had a time as fun as we have!" Gray smirked
"We love all your support!" Gajeel's eye brows twitched as he kept up a fake smiled!!!
"Let's all have a year as amazing as this in 2018!" Jellal cheered
"And from all of us in Fairy Tail!" Lauxus started
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" We all yelled our together!

"The stars are nice tonight," Lucy commented
"Yeah," Natsu agreed

The two had just finished dinner and we're star gazing.
"Look a shooting star!" Lucy pointed to sky.
"What did you wish for?" Natsu asked
"I can't tell you otherwise it won't come true," Lucy smirked
"That's true," Natsu agreed
'I wish we could stay together forever," they both thought.

The two turned to look at each other and before they knew it they were leaning in for a kiss.

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