Chapter 43

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Bennett and I stare at each other like we're at Dodge city. Who's going to fire something first.

The bell on the door downstairs, followed by Spot's voice ringing through the house like a bullet," Hey, Mrs. Couture, how's it rollin'?"

"It's fine Spot, what's that paper?" Mother asks.

"Just Allyson and I's weddin' license."

"You do not even have a proper suit, do you?" She asks him.

He must have shaken his head or said no because clanging and bangs of things falling echo through the house. She must be up to something. I slowly inch back towards the door, my gaze never leaving Bennett's until I slam the door in between us.

"Come Allyson, we will measure and get sewing right away," Mother orders me.

I wrap my arms around Spot," Did you get the papers?"

He nods his head," What's wrong?"

"We have to get married before Bennett can stop us," I explain quickly.

"I'll go talk to the priest as soon as dis is done. We'll be married in two days," He nods again as Mother starts to take his measurements.

Mother briskly finishes taking his measurements and Spot kisses me goodbye before going to the priest.

"Now, what will you wear?" Mother asks me," You must have something nice."

"I will wear the white dress I wore to the rally," I explain.

"No, I, Dior, Sarah, and Cosette will make you a dress. You, Eva, and Jessamine will make the suit. Busy hands are a help to being cheerful, but you still might need other dresses."

"My pink poplin, blue silk, and white floral are as good as new, my white lace is new. What more do I need?" I ponder starting to pull gray Rayon for jacket.

"A black or gray dress. A cashmere, I think, it wears well. Let's get sewing, a much to do in such little time."

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