Chapter 26

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Blink's POV

I roll over in my bed, ignoring the boys wanting to me to play poker. It's just nothing's the same with her gone. She didn't even say goodbye. Spot probably took her to California or Oregon. She always talked about how Spot said there was a place for them. He was going to take her away and she'd talk about how happy they'd be as she would hold onto his stupid key.

Stupid Spot with his stupid Brooklyn, his stupid smirk, and stupid key. Oh here, Al, take my key. I don't have anything to give you.

Screw you, Spot. I'm the one who doesn't have anything to give her, clearly. Why'd he have to meet her first? I would actually love her, not use her then push her aside. I'd tell her how beautiful she is, inside and out. Spot only looks on the outside of her. He doesn't notice her laugh, her charming smile, and her personality. She's not like those other girls.

I thought we were getting closer, but then she just stopped talking to me.

"Blink, why you'se been actin' like Skittery?" Mush asks.

I ignore him and roll back over. Dangle, a small young newsie places head on my bunk," You'se okay, Blink?"

Race puts his hand on Dangle's shoulder," He's just heartbroken, bud. You'll understand one day."

I drag myself over to their game," Deal me in."

"You'se dis worked up over Spot's goil?" Boots asks.

"Yeah, but whateva. Da way she talks dey probably half way ta California," I sigh.

"How'd he buy da tickets?" Jack asks me.


Jack lets out a deep sigh," I'se sorry ta tell ya dis Blink, but last time I talk ta Spot, he put every penny towards a-"

"Just stop. He doesn't deserve her. He doesn't even notice how much she is on the inside. Or the chill she brings to every room. The little hint of her French perfume."

"What's so special 'bout 'er anyway?" Mush scoffs.

"Everything. The moment she's focused on you, makes you feel alive. After she's through, you hope you only just survive," I sigh leaning on my hand with my chin.

"Sounds like you'se in love wit dis goil," Race laughs," Royal flush."

The boys sigh while Race laughs loudly. I look around at them with a straight face.

Race stops laughing and takes his cigar out of his mouth," You'se kiddin', right? Ya can't be in love wit Spot's goil! He'll soak ya till you'se don't got another eye!"

"I'se don't care. I love her, but she's blind-"

"Is there a Kid Blink here?" A girl around Allyson's age with untidy dirty blonde hair stands there like a deer in headlights.

I walk up to her," Yeah, dat's me. Whatcha need? Is it Al?"

"Yes, she really needs your help," this girl pleads.

"Does she need my help? Or does Spot?" I growl.

She looks at me with a questioning look," Allyson does. She asked for you, but Se-Spot asked for Boots, Skittery, Racetrack and Jack Kelly too."

Jack walks up behind me and puts his hand over my shoulder," We'se still owe him one from helpin' us wit da strike."

"What does Spot and Ally need?" Skittery asks.

"They've been kidnapped."

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