Chapter 8

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Evan is back in town with Bennett and Fletcher. Evan wanted us to meet his girlfriend and it's his birthday. His girlfriend seems okay.

"Evan, what is it like in the country?" Sarah asks him.

"Very, very slow. Every moment drags on," he laughs cheerfully as he readjusts her basket in his arms.

My eyes light up," Does that mean you're coming back to Manhattan?"

"Maybe, I'll stay if Eva likes it here."

We start to cross the Brooklyn bridge. Spot's silhouette stands there on the other side of the bridge.

"You know Evan, we can handle it from here. Why don't you go home?" I offer with a sweet smile.

"Why? I'm fine."

"Well, I thought that you might want time to catch up with Mother."

Spot flicks his cigarette down on the ground and takes long steps towards us. Sarah starts to ring her hands and looks over at me with her lips set in a grim line.

I don't know which one is more overprotective of me. Spot storms right up to Evan and gets in his face, glaring at him with narrow eyes. It's quite funny, since Evan towers over him.

"Who's dis, Al?" Spot asks me.

"I'm Evan, her-" Spot cuts Evan off," Na, I asked 'er."

"Spot, this is Evan, my brother, the one I told you was coming last night when we were on the docks."

Spot nods and holds his hand up to his mouth before spitting on it. He holds his hand out to Evan. Evan puts Sarah's basket down and looks at me with lowered brows and narrow eyes.

"Come on," Spot urges after a few seconds.

"That's disgusting," Evan sneers.

Spot rolls his eyes and offers his other-spit free hand. Evan quickly shakes his hand. Spot lets go and grabs my basket out of my hands. He starts to walk away, leaving us a couple feet behind him. His head turns back at us, then he nods forwards. I quickly walk over to him with Evan and Sarah close behind. Spot starts to go on our normal path through Brooklyn.

"Kid, you sure this is the right way?" Evan asks looking around.

"Kid?" Spot barks," I'se fifteen. And I'se know Brooklyn like da back of me hand."

He sets my basket down and marches in front of Evan.

"Ya wanna know why's I know Brooklyn, more den you'se? 'Cause I'se the King of Brooklyn."

He gets in Evan's face again," Don't ya ever underestimate me, okay?"

Evan rolls his eyes and nods," Okay."

We walk the rest of the way in almost silence. Unless, if you count the glares Spot and Evan were sending each other. I swear every five seconds, one of them would be glaring at the other. Sarah and I get the money from Mrs. Hart and Spot takes us back to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Spot grabs my hands and gently pulls me back to him.

"I'll see you'se tonight, okay?"

"You can't it's Evan's birthday. We're having his dinner tonight," I sigh, squeezing my eyes shut then opening them.

He looks at me with lip in a thin line.

"Unless, if you want to come to dinner tonight."

His face lights up, making his eyes crinkle," I'se love ta."

"Dinner starts at six and Spot, wear your new clothes, please," I beam at him.

He nods and wraps his arms around my waist. My arms wrap around his neck as he leans down and tilts his head to the side. Evan is going to be so mad. His lips meet mine and I feel him smile. His lips are chapped again, but I love it. Please, don't hate me Evan. He pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss.

I shouldn't be kissing him again, especially in front of my own brother, that already hates him. I've just sealed my death. Well, it was a good life. Someone clears their throat loudly. Spot pulls away, catching his breath and glaring at Evan.

"I'll see you at six, Princess," he says breathless.

He grabs my hand and presses a kiss onto the back. He turns back towards Brooklyn and starts on his way back. He looks over his shoulder and smiles at me before walking again. I walk back over to Evan and Sarah. Sarah's beaming and Evan has his arms crossed over his chest while glaring at me with narrow eyes.

"I guess I should of listened when Charles told me you had a beau. He left out the part about him being a street rat," Evan huffs.

"He's not my beau and he's kind, sweet, and caring. He can be a little overprotective, but you aren't better," I argue.

"It sure looks like he's your beau, Ally," Sarah chimes in.

"Well, he hasn't asked me yet."

"And he's not going to. Not under my watch," Evan huffs.

He probably doesn't even actually like me.

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