Chapter 25.

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"Spot?" I whimper after Kieran and Aidan slam the basement door shut.

Spot glares at me from the chair they tied him up in," What did he do ta ya?"

"Spot, its fine. I'm fine," I say as tears roll down my cheeks.

"Nah, it's not, Al. He hoit ya and I couldn't protect you'se. I promised myself, I'se wouldn't let him or anyone hoit ya," Spot cries putting his head down.

My wrists pull against the rope, scratching my skin. The rope around my ankles burn and it's very irritating. Spot looks back up at me with teared up glossy eyes," Can ya sing da song dat plays wit you'se music box?"

He loves that thing. I show him how it works and even taught him the words in English.

"How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die? It is love we must hold on to. Never easy but we try. Sometimes our happiness is captured. Somehow a time and place stand still. Love lives on inside our hearts. And always will. Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone. But when all else has been forgotten still our song lives on. Maybe some moments weren't so perfect. Maybe some memories not so sweet. But we have to know some bad times or our lives are incomplete. Then, when the shadows overtake us. Just when we feel all hope is gone. We'll hear our song and know once more. Our love lives on. How does a moment last forever? How does our happiness endure. Through the darkest of our troubles. Love is beauty, love is pure. Love pays no mind to desolati-" I stop singing when the door opens and someone starts clapping quietly.

"You have a beautiful voice, Miss. Let's figure out a way to get you out." Theodora!

"Theodora? Is that you'se?" Spot asks trying to turn his head to see her.

"Yes. Sean? You ran away years ago. Is that really you?" She finally makes it all the way down the step, setting her lantern down on the last one.

She catches a glimpse of him and wraps her arms around him.

"Sean, who is this?" She asks looking between us.

"Me chailín, Allyson," Spot smiles sadly at me.

"Aye, Sean has found 'imself a chailín! Let me get a look at you," she gushes as she touches my face," Yes, yes, a beauty, red hair, eyes like the ocean, and look at this porcelain skin. She is very beautiful, Sean, and sings like an angel."

"Yes, I'se know Theodora. Can ya get us outta heah?" Spot asks.

"Not two."

"Take Ally, then," Spot orders," Take her to 'hattan."

"No, Spot, I'm not leaving you here," I snap," Could you go to Manhattan and get someone for me?"

Theodora nods her head.

"Good, go to the Newsboy Lodge in Manhattan and get a boy named Kid Blink, bring him back here. He can help us," I explain," Him and I are good friends."

Blink and I would hang out when Spot had business or was still working. We'd go swimming or to Tibby's. He'd also get so mad how I thought Louis was a hilarious first name for him.

"Racetrack, Boots, Jack Kelly, and Skittery too," Spot adds.

Theodora nods and runs back up stairs. Come on, Blink come through for me.

Somewhere // Spot ConlonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora