Chapter 34

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I sprint through the streets of Brooklyn as fast as my feet can carry me, just trying to just away him.

Blink and I walk out of Medda's and he starts to walk us around Manhattan. Spot's let me hang out with Blink because he's handling trouble in Staten Island again. But something's wrong with both of them.

"Do you think something's wrong with Spot?" I ask Blink in a hushed tone," It seems like he hardly makes time for me anymore."

He walks into the lodge with me following close behind," Maybe he's tryin' ta make extra money foah you two. Tryin' ta get those tickets for dat place ya always talk about goin'."

Blink and I walk up the stairs to go to the roof. Usually, we just sit on his bunk like Spot always used to do with me.

"Don't you understand Blink? The only place for us to be together, where no one can't break us apart, is heaven."

I sit down on the edge and let my feet hang off the side as Blink does the same. But he's a lot closer than usual. Something's up.

"Blink, is there something wrong?" I ask him.

"You'se look so beautiful," he sighs running a hand through my hair," And Spot only notices da outside of ya."

"Blink, um, can you not," I stutter," do that?"

He cups my face and suddenly places his lips on mine. My hands push on his chest shoving him away," Blink, stop it!"

He ignores me and kisses me again. His lips are a lot smoother than Spot's. Spot. He'd kill Blink if he knew about this. I love Spot. Blink's like my best friend and brother. I shove Blink away once again.

"I have Spot, and he loves me," I stammer sternly," This isn't right!"

"I love ya too."

I stare at him with wide eyes. That's why Spot's been so protective around me when Blink's around. He could see it. Without a word, I scramble off the roof and out of the lodging house. I have to tell Spot before he hears what happened from somebody else.

I sprint to the Brooklyn lodge like a bat out of hell. I stumble up the stairs ignoring Ace and Dash's questions. I fling the door open to me and Spot's room. Thank god, he's here.

"Spot!" I pant out.

"What's wrong Princess?"

"Blink," I rush out," He, he kissed me."

His fist clench at his sides," And ya let 'im?"

"Non, non, I pushed him away deux fois," I explain with a wobbly voice.

"You'se mean ta tell me dat he kissed ya twice?" He yells angrily.

"He, he, he did, but I pushed him away, Spot, I di-"

"He touched ya! When I'se told 'im I'd soak 'im if he evah did!" Spot grabs his pimp cane and starts storming off towards the door.

Blink is one of my closest friends. I can't let Spot do this. I step in front of him trying to stop his crusade," Spot, don't! He's my friend!"

Spot grabs ahold of my wrists," Get outta me way, Al!"

The strong smell of whiskey starts to burn my nose.

"No, I won't let you-" That's when my back gets slammed against the dresser.

My left cheek starts stinging and burning. He hit me. I look above me on the dresser.

An empty bottle of whiskey.

He promised me that he would never be like Oscar.

"You're nothing but a drunk."

Spot suddenly sobers up and stares at his hands almost in disbelief.

"Allyson, baby, you'se know I'se would never hit ya. I'm notta drunk, I swear," he stammers out stumbling closer and closer me.

I push myself closer to the dresser," Just leave me alone!"

I scramble to the door, out of Spot's reach. Just leave, don't say anything to him. I look over my shoulder," You aren't the same boy I let carry my laundry basket six months ago, Sean Finn Conlon is gone. You are now the Spot Conlon they all fear, even me."

Somewhere // Spot ConlonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora