Chapter 41

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Sarah and I stroll across the Brooklyn bridge. Quietly talking with our baskets in hand. She still doesn't know. No one except me, Spot, and Ace. The only reason Ace knows is because he's the best man.

"No Spot?" Sarah asking looking around confused," I thought you two made up a couple weeks ago. Did something happen?"

"Sarah, I asked Spot not to come today because I need to tell you something," I explain quietly.

"We're best friends, you can tell me anything."

I place my basket down on the sidewalk. My fingers reach for my ring in my pocket. I slide the cool metal on my left ring finger. The gems catch the light perfectly, shimmering in the sunlight. Sarah quickly grabs my hand to look at the ring," Allyson!"

"I know Sarah, but you can't tell David or Jack because they'll tell Charles," I beg.

"Your family doesn't even know!" She exclaims.

I shake my head," Only you and Ace know. But that's why Spot couldn't come with us, he's getting the license."

"He's barely old enough to get it! He just turned sixteen and you're still fifteen!"

"We've talked about it, and we both agree."

"Just when's the wedding?" She sighs.

"Late this week."

"This week! Marry in haste, repent in leisure," She recites.

"We've been together for ten months," I reason while turn down the usual path.

Sarah doesn't reply for while. She's probably upset now.

"Are you two crazy or something?" She asks out of no where," Getting married at fifteen and sixteen?"

"We're very sure, Sarah," I smile.

"It is a beautiful ring," she sighs dreamily," How can I help?"

"Be my maid of honor. We're best friends. You were here when I met him, and I want you to be beside me when I marry him."

"I'm down for the count."

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