Chapter 11

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"Thank you for teaching us, Charles," David smiles as we walk to the Circulation center in Manhattan.

"It ain't hard," Charles smiles down at David and Sarah's little brother Les.

He's so cute. His little eyes sparkle at you with his dimples. The Jacobs have been getting even farther down on money than before. So have we, now that seven people live in our house now. Evan, Eva, Fletcher, and Bennett moved back in with us.

Suddenly, Fetch runs up to me," Miss Couture, Spot says ta tell you'se dat, he's gonna meet ya at the Circulashun centah heah in 'hattan," he rushes out.

Spot's up to something, I never told him I'm going there.

"Okay, here Fetch," I hand him a macaroon out of the paper bag I'm carrying full of them.

He gladly takes it out of my hand.

"Now, Fetch, you need to tell me how Spot knows I'm going to the Circulation center."

"Well, Miss Couture, da King has Kit and Dash watchin' ya to make sure you'se stay safe."

I pat his head and he starts to run back to Brooklyn.

"Conlon want you?" Charles asks.

I nod and a smile lights up my face.

"Conlon? Who's Conlon?" David asks frantically.

"That's Allyson's beau," Charles makes kissing faces at me.

I slap his shoulder. Silence and glares are the only things that happen on our way to the center, other than the Newsies singing. When we arrive, Charles goes and stands next to a boy with an eye patch, who calls Charles 'Gypsy'. No, no one can know about us.

"David, may I stand by you and Les until Spot gets here?" I ask.

He nods his head," Why do we have to wait back here?"

"Because you are new here."

Awkward silence comes between the three of us. I tap my shoes on the street and play with my fingers. The Delancey brothers walk up to the boys at the front of the line and start harassing them. One of them grabs Oscar's hat and starts running. This boy runs into David, Les, and I.

He wears dark clothes for the most part, except for a red bandanna at his neck. Dark brown hair and eyes with a black cowboy hat tied around his neck.

"What do you think your doing?" David asks him.

"Running," the boy replies quickly before running off.

He runs off to the front of the group, but so many newsies crowd around him that I can't see what's happening. I look down, only to see Les isn't there.

"David, where's Les?" I ask frantically.

He points ahead in the line. The gate to the center swings open, and that boy is on top! David stands by me as boys start to pile in.

"This is where you and I part ways, go in there, get your papes, and by God, carry the banner," I smirk patting him on the back," Wait! Here's one for you and one for Les."

I hand him one dark red and one blue. He smiles and nods at goodbye to me. He struts into the Circulation center, making me laugh. I stand next to the fading red brick wall outside the center.

"My queen, how's it rollin'?"

"Just peachy, now that I know you're spying on me!" I snap at Spot.

Spot takes ahold of my hands," Queen, its ta keep you'se safe when I'se not around."

I hold onto his key that hangs around my neck," I can take care of myself."

"I knows you'se can, but what if a Delancey comes to bother you'se or sometin'?"

Spot wraps his arm around my waist and guides us in front of the other newsboys. They take their hats off as we pass. But then, one of them ruins the peace and whistles at me. Spot lets go of me and takes his pimp cane out of his belt loops. He storms over to them and gets in the boy who ran into to me's face.

"Jackie boi, you'se bettah get a hold of ya Newsies. Don't dey know bettah dan ya be whistling at da Queen of Brooklyn," Spot yells swinging his cane around.

"You'se got a goil now Conlon?" 'Jack' asks tauntingly looming over Spot.

"Yeah, you'se got a problem, Jackie? Because I'se do. I'se don't evah wanna heah ya bois whistlin' at me goil again, got it?" Spot orders.

Jack nods quickly.

"Now, which one of you'se was it?" Spot asks.

He starts walking up and down the rows of newsies. Spot pulls a boy who's smirking at him. He pulls him in front of the others, it's very surprising, this boy is about a foot taller than him.

"Take off ya glasses, Specs and then I'm gonna soak ya," Spot smirks.

I grab Spot's arm and brace my feet on the ground, trying to pull him back," Please, Spot. Let's just go."

He rolls his eyes and wraps an arm back around my waist, guiding us away from them.

"Spot, you can't go around fighting people," I sigh as he leads me through people crowding the busy streets.

He glances over at me straight faced," I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

Somewhere // Spot ConlonWhere stories live. Discover now