Chapter 17

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My eyes flutter open and I let out a huge yawn before trying to get up. Something's holding me down. Spot. I nudge him slightly," Spot, we have to get up."

He groans and rolls over.

"Spot, come on!" I laugh as I shake his shoulder.

"Let me sleep Al!" He whines laughing.

"Come on, what about the strike?" I ask.

He rolls over on his side toward me," I'se would forget 'bout the strike if I'se could stay here all day wit you'se."

He sits up and tilts his head as he leans in closer to me. His lips crash down on mine. Spot straddles me and puts his hands on my waist without breaking the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck as he peppers sweet kisses up and down my neck and jawline.

"I love you, Al," He moans out.

I don't answer and he goes back to kissing my jawline. He really does love me. I flip us over, so that I straddle him.

"Say you love me again," I pant before leaning down and kissing his neck.

His hands stay planted on my sides," Ya know I do."

He rolls us back over, so he's hovering over me again. He starts kissing my neck again.

"I love you, Spot."

He crashes his lips back down on mine. I tug on his hair.

"Come on, Spot! Rise and shine! There's wagons to be tipped over and woah. Um, sorry," Ace stands there froze watching us.

"Get outta here!" Spot yells at him.

Ace scrambles out of the room and closes the door behind him. Spot rolls out of the bed and mopes over to the dresser. He pulls out his standard checkered shirt and red suspenders with brown pants.

"You'se can go and change in da bathroom, if ya want," He says slipping on his pants.

I grab my pink dress and scurry off to the bathroom. I do my daily routine of getting ready. I open the door and slip out. A tall boy with brown hair and eyes stares back at me from Spot's bed. I know almost all the Brooklyn boys, just not this one. He jumps up and starts to walk toward me. My eyes frantically search the room for Spot.

"Hi! I'm Dash, we'se haven't meet, even dough we'se kinda has. But Kit's always gotta tell me ta be quiet."

Talkative much?

"A-Allyson," I stutter as he gets uncomfortably close to me.

He takes a couple steps back," Kit's always tellin' me 'bout personal space. Sorry."

"You're fine, Dash," I smile sitting down on the edge of the bed," When's Spot coming back?"

"Oh, any second now. He tells me he's gotta get you sometin' ta eat. Says his goil ain't missin' no meals. Spot talks 'bout you'se all da time. Says ya da most beautiful goil ever. You'se are very beautiful, and he says he's gotta protect ya," he chatters on.

Spot comes in the room with a couple of peaches and tosses Dash one," Get out."

Dash rushes out of the room and I can hear his feet pound on the steps. Spot hands me a peach and takes my empty hand, gently pulling me up," Strike time."

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