Chapter 21

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"Come on, Al! It's gonna be fun," Spot smirks taking off his clothes.

I roll my eyes and start taking off my dress. I strip down to my undergarments and Spot does the same. I fold our clothes in a neat pile on the dock. Spot dives in head first into the crystal blue water and pops back up seconds later. He laughs as I dip my feet in the water.

"Da water's fine!" He laughs while his eyes crinkle.

"It's freezing," I shutter.

Someone pushes me from behind, Ace. I quickly pop up just in time to see Ace cannonball.

"No, hard feelins', Ally?" He asks when he pops back up.

I shake my head with a smile. We swim for the next half hour. Spot helps me back onto the dock. Oh, no. The only clothes here are mine and Spot's pimp cane.

"Who da hell took our clothes?" Spot growls.

"Probably Kit and Dash tryin' ta be funny," Ace sighs.

"Al, stay here and get dressed. We gotta soak those two knuckle heads," Spot explains rolling his eyes.

Ace and him quickly walk on the dock towards the large group of boys on the next one over. I slip on my clothes and shoes. A boy starts to walk towards me. He can't be from Brooklyn, I know pretty much all the boys from here. He's a lot taller than Spot and with green eyes with brown hair. He's feet away from me now," Are you Spot's girl?"

"Yes, do you need something from him?" I ask.

He's pretty suspicious. He fiddles and plays around with his hands.

"Not really," he says nervously.

"Then, can you go?" I ask kindly.

He's sending me weird vibes. He's too nervous for just talking to me. Suddenly, he comes up behind me and places one hand over my mouth and the other clasps both of my hands behind my back. Thrashing and squirming, I try to get away. He briskly walks me to a near by alley.

"Pop, is this the right one?" This boy asks an older man about forty.

"Aye, she is de one I've seen 'im wit. Son, your brahder will be back wit us soon."

The older man takes one of my arms as the younger takes the other. Spot's voice faintly calls out to me. The older man rips Spot's key off my neck and throws it down next to a piece of folded paper. There's no way, I can get away from two of them. Oh my god. There's no doubt about it. The cold blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, even down to the face structure is the exact same.

This has to be Spot's father.

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