Chapter 13: Clouded

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Quickly discarding the menu t the side, you turned your head to were you saw the streak of black only to be faced with nothing.

Your crazy imagination strikes again

"What would you like to order (y/n)?" Jiyeon inquired, the smallest out of the six of you.

"AH?" Not hearing what your sister said, you turn your head around and gesture for her to repeat what she had said.

"What would you like to order?"

"Ohhhh umm, twenty-six please." You quickly reply, picking a random meal on the menu, gaze falling on the table top.

Why do you keep on seeing the mysterious figure? You didn't understand. You have seen it twice now, not to mention the very rare scene of the two contaminated fighting right out of your family home. You can't help but think all these coincidences are linked.

Since the incident at work, you keep on thinking back to it and your mind keeps making unnecessary links back to the incident. You couldn't help it, the natural curiosity always kicks in and your mind always wants to know answers to things you can't necessarily get answers to. Seeing someone just before which resembled the same figure did not help either. Maybe it isn't all just a coincidence, you mean, how else could you explain all these odd experiences? Have you done anything to cause trouble? Nothing you could think of. You were always the goody two shoes in school (considering your feisty personality) and never broke rules. You didn't steal, smoke, skip school, you always returned your books to the library before being fin~


Your eyes widened as your fist came in contact with the table top, shaking the table in the process. You did research a little, after finding it somewhat suspicious and after doing some more digging you managed to gather full profiles of the people in the photos. It was definitely dodgy.

"SIS." Finally knocking you're out of your sense, you looked up and spotted the spilled cup of tea in front of you.

"Oh sorry." You quickly apologies for grabbing some napkins to clean up the mess you had created.

"Are you okay? You've been zoning out all day." Miyeon inquired, worry evident in her eyes.

"Yeah, I am fine. I am going to the washroom." You mindlessly stood up from your seat, grabbing your phone but not bothering with your purse.

You needed to get these thoughts out of your head. It was clearly annoying you and like Soomi said, you were probably other thinking things.

You walked over to the sink and slipped your phone into your back pocket before turning on the tap and splashing your face with water, in the hopes of waking yourself up or maybe washing away your worries. But when you opened your eyes again; they were still there.

Sighing, you dried your face off and walked out of the rest and made your way over to the table, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder.

"You leaving?" Seungyon spoke in shock as everyone's eyes slowly landed on you.

"No, I just want some fresh air." You replied simply.

"Why are you bringing your bag then?" Miyeon chuckled.

"Haha yeah your right, be back in a bit." You joined in with her laughter, what's wrong with you today? You seemed so out of it. But you chuckled lightly, to cover up your uncertainty before placing down your bag.

"Don't run away. You are shouting remember?" You hear your brother yell out, causing a lopsided smile to make its way onto your face.

Of course, they weren't actually worried about you, just their free meal.

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