Story Telling Time

Start from the beginning

"That's so nice to hear it." I said.

"I'm sorry for your loss." said the lady. She really meant it. I felt a sharp pain on my heart and i remained quite. Just nodded.

"You looking for toys?" said The lady.

"Um...yeah..." I said.

"Do you read your daughter story?" said the lady. Am I supposed to do that?

" don't. " I said unsurely.

"You should read her story books which contains pictures with bright colors!" said the lady.

"Oh...okay." I said.

"I know you are a single parent. Babies in this age need to see colors and need to hear sounds. It will help to develop  her brain." said The lady modestly.

"Thanks a lot for your advice. " I said with a smile. I side hugged her as I was carrying Ashley.

"Anytime dear." said the lady.

I said goodbye to the lady and went to grab some kids story books. I ended up buying Disney princess story books and some comics for me to research for the upcoming Marvel movie. I paid the bill and went  home.

 After feeding Ashley, I ate dinner. After Anna's death I decided that I will keep Ashley close to me at night. It is hard for me to sleep alone in this bed. Ashley fell asleep before my dinner. So I placed her in the bed and tucked her. Then kissed her forehead and went to eat. After my dinner I did my night routine and sat on the bed. Ashley was sleeping beside me. A smiled appear on my face. She always makes me remember Anna. I turned on the bedside lamp and continued reading the comic. After a while I felt Ashley stiring so I placed the comic on the bed side table and picked her up. She started to whine. I kept her close to my chest and rocked her. Then an idea came to my mind.

I got up and took out "Cinderella " book and again sat down on the bed. I placed Ashley on my lap and held her with one arm as her body wasn't strong enough. I opened the book and started to read the story..

"Once upon a time...."

She gazed at the pictures but then she started to look around giving no interest to the story book. I guess the lady was wrong.

I sighed and closed the book and placed it on the side table. Ashley gave no sign of sleeping. I caressed her chubby cheeks. The leaned on thee headboard and placed her on my chest. I rubbed her back with my hand and she didn't move. Then again I took the comic book and opened it on front of me. Ashley started to throw her arms in excitement.

"Gh Gh!" she started to make noise.

I looked at her in confusion and suddenly realized the reason of her excitement. She was hovering over the book and banging her palm over the pictures.

I laughed as she continued to bang her palms in excitement. I got up a bit and held her in one arm and the comic on the other. Then started to read the comic dramatically. My daughter squealed i excitement. She started to make bubbles with her drools which made me laugh even harder. She continued to lean on the photos of the comic and herer drool dampen the pages. And I continued to read. After half an hour I felt her breathing became even. I placed a kiss on the top of her head and placed her in her pillow.

I looked at my sleeping daughter and thought of Anna. Ashley has inherited Anna's taste. Anna wasn't a 'girly girl'. She was more like a tomboy. She hated shopping and loved to watch football and any other sports. When I got to know about her childhood, I was shocked. She used to hate Barbies and her dream was to become Spider-Man one day. I laughed like crazy that day.

Ashley is becoming just like her mother.  She was more interested in comics than princess stories. I let out a sigh of relief.

I will be able to make Ashley the person, who you wanted her to be.

Even Anna insisted to make Ashley's room a superhero theme. She never wanted her daughter to grow up as a pink loving girl who will think she is princess and a prince charming will come to marry her. Anna was a down to earth woman who believed in self dependence. She wanted Ashley to be a tough girl. I'm glad that our daughter is already showing that she will be a tough girl,just like her mother.

I kissed both of Ashley's cheeks and lied down on the bed. I turn towards Ashley and stared at her.

She will grow up, Just to be like you Anna. I love you and always will. And I will love  our daughter and protect her from every sorrow. I will try to fill up the place of yours by my love. I know you are watching us. Just know that I love you. Forever and Always.

A/N: Hey guys! How was the chapter? You liked it? If you like it then don't forget to press the star sign. Comment if you want to ♥♥♥ Love you guys! Again! Thanks for 600+ readers!! 😍😍😍

First Published :26th April 2018

Edited  : 28th May 2019

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