Chapter 40

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Hello everybody and welcome back to--

Mira: Dragon Boy and Princess!

Meena: You're going to do this every time, aren't you?

Mira: Yup!

Meena: Well I guess I'll let you do all the talking then. Take it away!

Mira: Well, although Meena-chan has been on vacation, she found time to finish writing this chapter! Let's all give her a round of applause! 

Meena: *clears throat* And?

Mira: Oh yes! This chapter is dedicated to @lunastarx22 for being a wonderful reader who comments her thoughts all the time, and for giving Meena-chan the motivation to get this chapter out as soon as possible. Thank you @lunastarx22 for always commenting and being a fantastic reader! Now, without further ado, here is chapter 40!

            For the next few days, they traveled practically nonstop, stopping only to sleep and eat. Lucy felt bad for the ryus since they were the ones doing all the work as they flew carrying them, but that was the fastest way to get to their destination. Lucy didn't really know what to expect, but she was excited and dreading it at the same time. Every time they rested, Levy and Lucy would seclude themselves in a corner and discuss possible strategies against the dragon. Romeo would join in sometimes, but being so young, he wasn't much of a strategist. Besides, not having seen a dragon before made strategizing hard since they really didn't know what to expect. They asked Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy about more details, but Lucy knew that they still wouldn't know what to expect unless they actually saw it with their own eyes; seeing was believing.

            Through traveling together, Lucy felt that they had all become closer as a group. She had learned a lot about Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu's childhood, and a lot about Romeo as well. She never knew traveling could be so fun. Unfortunately though, she could no longer go into towns when they stopped because news had finally spread that the princess was missing. Well, it actually went that Lucy had been kidnapped by a monstrous beast which had royally pissed her off, but had made Natsu laugh heartily.

            They had arrived sooner than Lucy had expected, however, and perhaps sooner than she would have liked. Their final day, the ryus swooped low, almost low enough so that Lucy could brush the tops of the trees by extending her arm. Low and behold, the trees dropped away to reveal a magnificent valley surrounded by green mountains on all sides. A huge river ran along the middle of it, and Lucy could hear all kinds of animals below her. She had never seen such a breathtaking place in her life.

            "Home sweet home," Natsu said bitterly.

            She looked up at him to see him grimacing, his eyes seething with hatred she knew was not aimed at the place, but rather at the dragon occupying it.

            "Where do you think he is?" Lucy asked hesitantly, now scanning the valley for signs of any large life form.

            "I don't know, but he's usually out hunting around this time. We shouldn't have to worry," Natsu said, though he seemed unsure himself.

            They flew lower still, fast approaching the juncture of two mountains. Lucy could now see where they were heading: where mountain met mountain, an opening the size of Gajeel was just slightly visible. They finally came to the opening, and one by one, the ryus and their charges entered. Lucy found herself in a small cave that led into another larger one illuminated by burning torches on the floor. As soon as they landed, Wendy started running.

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