Chapter 2

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Lucy sprinted the whole way back to the castle. She skidded to a halt at the edge of the forest, waiting for the guards to continue their rounds until they couldn't see her, then she sprinted towards the wall, and climbed up as fast as she could. She then swung up over the railing of her balcony and smoothly slipped into her room. She ripped her clothes off, and stuffed them under the two loose tiles next to her bed into the one of the two chests where she kept all of her secret clothing. In the other chest were things that were special to her, photos, souvenirs... She soundlessly replaced the tiles, slipped into her cream colored nightgown, and cuddled up under her covers. She tried to sleep for the time remaining before Juvia, her lady in waiting and one of her best friends in the castle, came to wake her up, but she couldn't, she was too excited from her meeting with Natsu. Maybe they could become friends! Who knew? She'd have to go ask Levy, the royal librarian and also one of her best friends, about it. Not directly of course. Even if she knew Levy wouldn't tell, she still wanted to keep it a secret for now. And so, for the last ten or so minutes that she had left to her, she thought about all the things she would bring for Natsu tonight.

Juvia came to wake Lucy up around 15 minutes after she got back from her little escapade.

"Lucy-san. Lucy-san. Lucy-san!"

"Mmmm... Five more minutes..."

"Juvia is sorry, but it is time for Lucy-san to wake up. Juvia doesn't want His Majesty to get mad at Lucy-san, so please wake up."

"Okay, okay. I'm up Juvia. I guess you do have a point about my father."

Lucy stretched her arms above her head as she sat up yawning. She blinked her eyes blearily at the bluenette in front of her. Juvia was really pretty, beautiful even. She had beautiful light but dark blue hair that fell in waves over her shoulders, and sapphire eyes that seemed to glitter when the light hit them. She had nice curves and a nice chest as well. She seemed to always wear warm but fashionable clothes. She was wearing a nice Russian style navy blue hat with a golden butterfly clip on it with a nice navy blue dress that was slit along the legs. It was a very cute dress, and she was really surprised that her father had allowed Juvia to wear that instead of the usual maid outfit. But no one really knew his reasoning behind anything, so she never asked.

"Good morning, Juvia." Lucy gave a smile to Juvia.

"Good morning, Lucy-s- Oh!"

Lucy had tackled Juvia in a hug and was squeazing her tightly. Juvia hugged back but asked, "Lucy-san, is something wrong?"

"No. Just happy is all."


They stayed like that for a couple minutes until they heard a knocking on the door before a dark haired man came into the room, pulling his shirt off as he came in. Lucy released Juvia and sweatdropped.

"Gray, what's the point of knocking if you're just gonna walk in without waiting for my answer?"

"I knew you weren't changing yet," Gray said shrugging nonchalantly, winking with one of his icy blue eyes.

"Whatever, but, Gray, your shirt."

"What?" Gray asked looking down. "Shit. Ah, well, that's the fourth one I've lost on my way up here, so there's really no point anymore."

"Good morning, Gray-sama!" Juvia said as she latched onto his arm.

"O-Oi, Juvia! Good morning to you too, but you really don't have to do that every morning..." Gray said. Lucy could tell he was trying to act annoyed, but she saw right through it from the small smile he had on his face. When Juvia had first started working at the palace, (thanks to Gray), Gray was pretty annoyed at all the attention at first, then he slowly warmed up to her because he noticed that Juvia wasn't just a fangirl, she was a great friend, and really cared about people's feelings. She helped Gray out a lot with his tragic past (it's a long story). But anyways, Lucy was really starting to wonder when he was gonna ask her out. It was pretty obvious he liked her, and everyone knew that Juvia more than liked him. She would have to have a serious talk with him later.

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