Chapter 24

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          Konnichiwa, minna!! I'm back!! Please don't kill me!! *covers her face with her hands pitifully* I swear I didn't mean to be gone so long, it just sort of happened. I wasn't really motivated to finish this story honestly, and I actually wasn't planning on it, but then I realized I was being a hypocrite. I hate it when authors don't finish their stories and there I was doing the exact same thing. Plus, lately one of my irl readers gave me the inspiration to write this again. So here I am. I'll try not to do that again. Thank you to all of the readers who have kept up with me, and if any have left, I'm truly sorry about that. I hope you'll come back. Thank you to all of my new followers for following me as well! I will get to following all of you back as soon as possible. And to any new readers, welcome to my crazy world! So, as reassurance again, I do plan on finishing this story, because if I don't I won't be able to hold up my head as not just a writer but also as a fanfiction writer. So rest easy. I hope I'll be writing more frequently now as well since spring break starts when school lets out tomorrow. Yay!! Finally!! I thought I was going to explode. So, I would rant on, but you're not here for me, you're here for the chapter! So, here you are! Chapter 24! It's a bit short, just a warning. I am currently working on Chapter 25 so rest easy.  

     After having eaten their cake, which Erza never ceased to rant about, they thanked Kinana and Erik and left. Levy had somehow come back to life by that point and they were on their way to the bookshop. As soon as Levy and Lucy stepped foot inside, there was no going back. They spent about two hours in there and Erza had to drag them out to finally leave. Levy bought like twenty books, well Lucy forcibly bought them for her, and Lucy bought around ten. Poor little Levy was so overloaded all you could see of her were her legs, and her small hands on the edge of the books.

     "Levy-chan, why don't you let us help?" Lucy asked, sweat dropping at her friend's position.

     "Don't worry, I can carry it," Levy's muffled voice came from behind the wall of books.

     "Why don't we just drop them off at your house?" Erza suggested.

     "Yeah, that's a great idea, why don't we?" Lucy asked.

     "Lu-chan, could you step into my office for a second please?" Levy said.

     Lucy felt the corners of her lips twitch upwards and walked behind the massive wall of books.

     "You're not just a pair of floating legs!" Lucy exclaimed happily.

     Levy rolled her eyes at her and whispered, "Aren't you forgetting something important about what's in my house?" she whispered harshly.

     Lucy flinched at her tone but thought about it before she exclaimed, "Oh! Gajeel!"

     "Ding, ding, ding! Erza can't know about him!" she whisper shouted.

     "Don't worry, I'll handle it," Lucy assured her.

     She stepped out from behind Levy's "office" and went up to Erza.

     "Erza, you know, I'm really craving that heavenly cake we had earlier. That really was the best cake place in Fiore. Could you go get some while I accompany Levy to her house to drop off her books?" she asked, inching closer with every sentence.

     "Of course! I would be-wait I cannot let you accompany Levy alone," Erza said, crossing her arms.

     "Oh, come on, Erza. I'll be fine, I have my sword, and I can take care of myself," Lucy said.

     "I can fight too!" Levy's voice came to them.

     "See, we'll be perfectly fine," Lucy said.

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