Chapter 22

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Konnichiwa, minna! Hisashiburi! I am so so sorry I didn't update last weekend, but I had a lot of work, and for those of you who read my tag book, you'd know the story, but I'm not going to go into details here cause you guys just wanna read the story right? Just a warning though, I probably won't update next week either because I have to prepare for an extremely rough two days of important exams. Actually they're just mock exams for the real exam at the end of the year, but we're still graded and I want to be able to do good on it. Also, for those of you who do not read my tag book, GO WATCH NAGI NO ASUKARA!!! IT'S AMAZING!!! I just rewatched it, and it was just so beautiful and satisfying, I would never get sick of watching it, and the characters are so likable and there's a lot of very good character development, and their world is amazing, it's just, I can't express it in words.  Go watch it. And without further ado, here is chapter 22!

Lucy walked hesitantly into the throne room. She curtsied respectfully while saying, "Your Majesty."

"Lucy," he nodded towards her.

It was amazing. He treated her as if she weren't even his own flesh and blood, as if she were just an annoying pest that he had to put up with all the time because she was still somewhat of value to him. Well, maybe that was how he thought of her.

"Virgo told me that His Highness wanted to see me?" she said, phrasing it as a question and straightening into perfect princess pose while folding her hands lightly in front of her.

"Yes, I wanted to inform you that the Prince of the Kingdom of Celestial, Loke Lion, will be remaining at the castle with us for around a week, and we are to hold a ball for him the night of his arrival. I would like you to entertain him, and show him around."

"I understand. If you don't mind me asking, Your Majesty, is this a diplomatic visit?"

"Of sorts, yes, but you needn't concern yourself with that," he stated coldly.

Lucy flinched, but said, "Of course, Your Majesty. And when, may I ask, is he arriving?"

"In four days time, and to prepare for the ball you will have only dance lessons in the evening. The rest of your classes will be canceled for these four days, as well as during Prince Loke's stay. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"You are dismissed," he said with a wave of his hand.

Lucy curtsied, hiding the grimace on her face, then turned and left the throne room. As soon as the golden doors closed behind her, she slumped against them. Why does he have to be cold? Why does he always have to look down on me? Her hands were in fists by her sides, and her eyes were shadowed by her bangs. After a couple seconds, she took a deep, calming breath, and relaxed her hands. She straightened and started walking back to the dining hall rigidly. She shouldn't have expected anything more from him. Even if he was her father.

When she arrived back in the dining hall, her guards were waiting for her with grave faces.

"Lucy-" Erza started.

"I'm fine, Erza, really," Lucy said, faking a smile.

They all looked at her sadly, and Cana came over and hugged her. Lucy hugged her back, and cleared her throat.

"Well, a prince is coming to stay here in four days," Lucy said. "And I only have dance classes in the evening until he gets here, so all my other classes are canceled."

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