Chapter 36

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I'm BAAAAAAACK~ Did ya miss me? Sorry for keeping you waiting so long, but thinsg have been hectic, and I needed to take some time to rethink the details of the plot and how this chapter was gonna go. But I didn't give up on this, so I hope you didn't give up on me! Lots of action jampacked into this chapter so, enjoy because without further ado here is chapter 36!

            Lucy strode into the throne room, her head held high. King Jude Heartfilia was deep in conversation with his ministers who were gathered in a circle around him. A table had been dragged up and upon it sat several documents over which the king and the ministers were bent over, discussing animatedly in hushed tones. At the sound of her heels on the tiled marble floor, however, they all looked up. All fell silent immediately. Jude looked up, and upon spotting Lucy, his eyes bulged incredulously. Lucy was momentarily shocked at his break in stoic character, but almost as soon as it had appeared, it was gone.

            "Lucy," Jude intoned in his usual condescending voice.

            "You Majesty," Lucy said, curtsying respectfully. "I would like to discuss an important matter with you."

            "As you can see, Lucy, I am in the middle of a meeting with my ministers," Jude said slowly, and Lucy could tell that he was barely containing his rage.

            "I understand, but unfortunately this is something I need to discuss with you now," Lucy said, putting a note forcefulness into her voice.

            Jude glared at her through squinted eyes, apparently testing her determination. The ministers fidgeted uncomfortably around the cold golden throne Jude was seated upon until finally, after a very intense staring contest, Jude said unblinkingly, "We will continue this later, gentlemen."

            The ministers skittered gratefully away and through a door concealed by the elaborately adorned curtains that hung behind the imposing golden throne. The room fell silent once more as the door closed, and neither Jude nor Lucy spoke for a moment.

            "What do you want, Lucy? What is so important that you became so insolent?" Jude asked mockingly.

            "My marriage," Lucy said, approaching the throne.

            "Ah... And what is it you would like to discuss about your marriage? As I told you before, this is definitive, Lucy, since no other suitor seemed to catch your fancy," Jude said.

            "Yeah, well, that's just it, Father dearest," Lucy said, pleased to see Jude's face grimace in disbelief at her change to a familiar tone. "I'm not marrying Loke because I don't want to be your little bitch anymore."

            Jude gasped audibly, and his mouth opened and closed like a fish as her words caused his brain to short-circuit, while Lucy was surprised to find herself... exhilarated. It was as if saying those words had released a load of pent up energy that had been building up over the years, and she needed to release more.

            "You can't pull me around anymore, Father, because like it or not I am the princess of this country and your daughter, and I'm going to be controlling my life from now on, so it would be less painful for you to cancel this marriage now rather than later."

            "Lucy... you dare," Jude started, apparently having regained the power of speech.

            "Yes, I do actually, because I'm done with your manipulation, and doing whatever you want. So, do your worst because I don't care anymore. It's my life, and I'm gonna start living it," she said with finality.

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