Chapter 6

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Lucy awoke to the comfortable warmth of Natsu once again. She opened her eyes and was met with darkness. Wait, what? She reached a hand out and touched something warm that felt like some sort of thin membrane. Oh. Now, she remembered. Natsu had wrapped his arms and wings around her, so his wings were probably blocking out the light. She shifted her position in his arms to try to face what she hoped was his face. She waited until her eyes had adjusted to the darkness before trying to make out Natsu's familiar head of pink hair. There. She reached out and ruffled his soft pink locks. He was still asleep but she felt him nuzzle into her touch. She then observed his horns. They looked pretty cool. What would happen if she touched them? Wait. No, she wouldn't touch them yet. First, she wanted to find out more about ryus. What if there was some weird thing that if she touched his horns, they would be mates or something? Not that it would be that bad... WAIT! WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?! GAH! Well, he was better than any of the suitors she'd met until now... You know what, maybe it was time to wake him up. She prodded his cheek with her index finger until he stirred beneath her. Then she heard him yawn and say, "Lucy?"

"Good morning, sleepy head," she giggled.

"Good morni- Wait, its still dark out. Why are you saying good morning, weirdo."

"I am not a weirdo," Lucy huffed. "And its not dark out, your wings are just blocking the light out, stupid."

"Oi, I'm not stupid," Natsu said as he removed his wings from around her, hissing in pain as he moved his injured one.

Lucy squinted because of the sudden brightness. Natsu did the same. Once her eyes had adjusted she stretched her arms up towards the sunlight.

"Ah, the sun feels so good."

"Yeah, I guess. Say, Luce?"

"Yeah," Lucy said looking at him to find him blushing slightly.

"Do you plan on getting off of me, or..."

"AH! I-I. Shut up, you idiot! Of course I plan on getting off of you!" Lucy yelled blushing before promptly smacking him over the head, and scrambling off of him.

"Ow!" he complained. "I just asked a question, you don't have to smack me!"

"It was justified," she said puffing her cheeks out.

"How was it justified?" he asked, sweatdropping.

"Do you want another smack on the head?"

"No! No! It was completely justified! Don't hit me!" he said, cowering slightly.

"Good," Lucy said, smiling smugly.

"Weirdo," Natsu muttered.

"What was that?" she asked menacingly, her hand raised to smack him.

"Nothing! Nothing!"

"That's what I thought. I have to go now, okay?"

"Why?" he whined, pouting cutely.

"I already told you why, Natsu," she said exasperatedly.

"Doesn't mean I like it," he grumbled.

"Neither do I, Natsu," she said softly. "but I have no choice."

"I know. Its just I'm so bored the whole day, and maybe a bit... lonely..."

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