Chapter 39

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Hello, everyone! I'm sorry that I've been--

Mira: Yeah, yeah, it's me time now. Hello, all of my dedicated fans!

Meena: Mira?! What are you even doing here? You're supposed to come in at the end!

Mira: Yeah, well I was bored, and decided to introduce the chapter with you! Besides, you shouldn't be here either. You're supposed to be studying for you latin test. *crosses arms and glares at Meena)

Meena: Well... Ya see... *makes herself as tiny as possible* I don't wanna.

Mira: *deadpans* Wonderful excuse. 

Meena: I know. Anywho, just wanna say that I'm super happy that my best friend is back! Miawwoo was abroad, and now she's back!! My beautiful fiance!! Can't wait to hug you! This chapter is dedicated to you! So without further ado, here is--

Mira: *clears throat*

Meena: What?

Mira: You forgot your warning. 

Meena: Oh, right. Thanks, Mira. So, just as a warning there is a heated scene coming up but nothing extreme. Just in case you're uncomfortable. Skip over it if you are. Anyway, now without--

Mira: *clears throat*

Meena: What now, Mira? I mean I love you and all, but can't we just let the readers get to the chapter?

Mira: I'm introducing. 

Meena: Seriously?

Mira: Yes! I'm popular and everyone loves me. Don't you want more commenters?

Meena: I mean I guess you have a point...

Mira: Good! Then let me do the talking.

Meena: *mutters* But it's my story...

Mira: What did you say? 

Meena: Nothing!

Mira: Now, beloved readers who I know will comment, without further ado here is chapter 39!

Meena: So not subtle, Mira...

            Lucy and Levy walked into their campsite to a very awkward atmosphere: Natsu was pacing off to one side, while Gajeel seemed to be muttering to himself distractedly as he sat crosslegged on the floor, Romeo had a very pissed off face, and was turned away from Wendy who looked about ready to cry, and Happy was just floating in the air very confused as to what he should be doing. When they entered, all gazes turned to them. Levy and Lucy both immediately made angry faces, remembering why they had left in such a hurry in the first place.

            "You. Me. Talk. Now," Levy and Lucy said in unison, pointing at both Gajeel and Natsu.

            They stalked off in opposite directions, Lucy marching up to Natsu and grabbing him by the scarf, dragging him after her as he made not a single sound in protest. Levy seemed to be doing the same, but instead dragging Gajeel by the ear. Once they were a safe distance away, Lucy turned to Natsu with a fire blazing in her eyes.

            "How. Dare. You. Plan. To. Leave. Me!" she said, punctuating each word with a poke to his chest.

            "Ow, Luce, wait," he protested, putting his hands up protectively.

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