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Finally, I kissed those lips I've been longing to kiss in  months.

But I fucked up at the same time.

Although she kissed back, and gave me the thought that it might work out, I knew it wouldn't. She may not remember but she'll always be Daniels. And I screwed up big time.

I just love her and I guess I need to respect that Daniel and her are meant to be...


I might have been drunk. But I was fully aware of what I did, not that I should feel guilty, I don't have a boyfriend.

Right now I'm in the bathroom, jonah is holding my hair back as I finish throwing up in the bathroom.

I take a towel and wipe my mouth. Sitting on the floor of the bathroom, jonah was behind me. Jonah shouldn't feel bad for what he did right? Unless he knows something I don't, which is very likely. And I really wanted to go see Daniel and just talk to him because there was something going on between us that I didn't know about.

"I have to go kate. I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you I really messed up." He said running out of the bathroom

"What no!" I Said. Too late.

The image of Daniels reaction was in my mind. Why did he react like that. What happened between us? I needed to know.

I stood up but immediately felt dizzy and decided to go over to the couch. The music had stopped playing and I couldn't hear voices anymore so my guess was the party was over.

But the rest of the night was a haze because I fell asleep on couch just as confused as ever.


I was BOILING with rage. Jonah. Why did he do that. HE KNOWS I LOVE HER. He knows. But she doesn't remember anything. I can't be mad at her but I was. She kissed him. Even though she doesn't know anything that happened between us I still felt mad, as though she should know.

I cannot believe was I just saw. I ran up the stairs up to mine and jack's room and slammed the door. I was so mad i felt like punching the nearest thing to me. 

The wall. I pounded my fist into the wall creating multiple dents in it while tearing up my knuckles. After getting most of my rage out I looked down at the blood on my balled fists.

"Daniel! What the hell man? Are you okay?" Asked a voice from other side of the door

"Go away Zach!" I yelled back.

He pounded on the door. "Daniel are you okay?" He said again completely ignoring my request to be left alone.

I sighed real loud and walked over to the door and opened it.

"What was pounding noise?" Jack said coming up from behind zach.

"Nothing." I Said.


"GO ASK JONAH!" I yelled in their faces and as I said his name I watched him sprint up the stairs towards my door.

"DANIEL WAIT!" He said but I slammed the door in his face.

"Save it jonah I don't need an apology from you, she's not mine I don't have the right to be mad at you." I Said through the Shut door.

Oh but I was. On a scale of one to mad I was furious. I acted like she was my girlfriend but she wasn't, but Jonah should know that. I always had a gut feeling he liked her, ever since the day I kissed Crystal when she left to the hotel with him. But man he should know better.

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