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Daniel and the rest of the boys left to go shower up before they had to go out to the limelight after party. Aspen and I sat down going through social media and listening to eben blasting music from onstage.

The door burst open and a girl walked in. I didn't know who she was. She looked maybe 16, blonde hair, kind of short, and really pretty blue eyes.

"Oh oops sorry this isn't the bathroom." The girl giggled

It's ok what's your name?" I asked aspen and I laughing

"My name is Emma and I need a bathroom." She said laughing

Aspen and I got up still laughing. She seemed pretty funny

"Follow us we'll take you." Aspen said "my name is aspen and this is Kate."

"Nice to meet you but I already know, you both are so pretty and amazing." She said

"aw thanks." I said "so did you enjoy the show?" I asked

"OH MY GAWD IT WAS FRICKEN AMAZING I LOOOOOOVVEDDDD IT." She said running up the hall back to us

"Hahah ok. Emma the bathroom is right here." I Said

"Thanks kit kat" she said winking

"Wow thank I like it." I laughed

"OMG CUTE I LOVE THAT." Aspen yelled!

"I KNOW IM SO GOOD AT NICKNAMES." The two girls squealing.

"You must come up with one for me!" Aspen said

"Of course... just right after I go pee. TOOTLES!" She went in the bathroom and aspen and I turned to each other and just burst out laughing

"I like her she's so funny." I said

"Me too I want to get to know her better." Aspen added

"Definitely." I Said

We waited for her to come out of the bathroom.
She walked out looking kind of suspicious.


"Uhhhh what are you hiding behind your back Emma" I said

"Aspirin? Interesting" Said aspen laughing

"Oohhhhh ha know..." all of a sudden the started spraying water at us. She never dried her hands and left the water and started flicking it at us. (You know what I'm talking about?) I cover my face and aspen and I started running.


"Dang I ran out of water." She said trying to run after us.

"Well thanks for that." I said laughing wiping the water off my face. Laughing along with the other two girls.

"Ok wait I have a question!" She said eagerly

"What" I Said trying to control my laughter

"Why does pewdiepie WANT PIES TO DIE?! Like come on pie is GREAT?!! And he wants them to die... how ROOD! Why couldn't he be like PEWDIE- BROCCOLI?!! Like broccoli can die, but not pie." She said in a very serious tone.

Aspen and I didn't even respond. My stomach was aching from laughing so hard.

"What— the— heck" I Said between shaky laughs

"I think I'm gonna die" Said aspen.

"Oh maybe you should take some ASPIRIN!!! Ha get it!??" She said

"Oh my god." Aspen said still laughing

We ended up getting to know Emma really well. She was 16 years old, she lived in LA and was visiting family in Toronto for a couple weeks. The concert was a present from her grandmother, and she had been supporting the boys for a while.

She was crazy but funny. We got the nicknames kit Kat and aspirin. We became really close and exchanged numbers. We told her that we should definitely hang out in LA when your is over.

The boys walked in and looked at us then at Emma.

"Hey kate who's this" Zach said to me looking at Emma and winking

"This is Emma" I said and she waved.


"YAY MORE FRIENDS" Zach yelled running around the dressing room in circles

"I think we found someone as crazy as Zachary" I said laughing

"So that what all that yelling was. Thought someone might have gotten killed." Daniel said walking over to me and sitting down, kissing me on the cheek causing me to blush.

"Nope still alive" aspen said

"Zach take a picture it will last longer." I say to him making him blush. He couldn't stop looking at Emma. Making Emma blush too.


After the guys and I finish showering we head back to the dressing room.

"Did anyone else hear all that screaming from the halls?" Jack asked

"Yup sounded like someone was getting murdered." Said Jonah

"Yup I did too." I said

"Well I don't know but let's get back to Kate and aspen" Daniel said sounding anxious to see Kate again.

I laughed and followed them into the dressing room. Except they weren't alone. There was girl that looked my age with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. Breathtaking. I had to know who she was.

"Hey kate who is this?" I say winking at Emma. She blushed and looked so cute.

"This is Emma" Kate said

What a beautiful name. She was so cute sitting there. I couldn't stop looking at her.


Awesome. We've both got a crazy side. I laughed and yelled too

"YAY MORE FRIENDS" I said running around the room. I stop and see all the guys shaking there heads at me. But I don't care all I know is that I have to get to know this girl better.


"Ok shoo guys go meet your fans" I say swatting them.

"Bye" aspen said

"BYE GUUUUUUYSSSS" Emma yelled waving at them.

Daniel kissed me and got up and left to go meet the girls anxiously waiting outside.

"Bye beautiful I'll be back." Daniel said and he walked out.


*edited :)

Word count : 1020

Alright I know I suck at uploading but I will upload more... I hope and more often. But I'm sorry for not posting and sorry for the short update but I wanted to split it up into more chapters:) so I hope you like it. Stay with me here. Thank you reaaadding. Comment any suggestions




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