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Guys I saw Why Don't Don't We in Boston yesterday and I'm shook😭😭 best mother fluffin night of my life🙌🏼😭 I can't believe how big they are getting, and how far they've come it's insane. Selling out like every venue..😭 so proud. tbh they are a lot taller than I expected, but like going from watching them on a screen to reality is crazy (lemme just say holy mother of god they're so freaking hot😍... but you already knew that)🔥 So I apologize for not uploading recently but I've been preoccupied:) can't wait to see them again. I honestly love them so much they are so crazy talented😭❤️

The boys had just finished their like fifth song and they were doing their mashups at the moment. They were so good. Dang my boyfriend is talented.

Zach kept looking over to make sure I was still there. What a sweet man. They were sweating so much and so was i. It was so hot in the venue.

"Can I ask you a question?" Zach yelled to the crowd of screaming fans. The response was a ear piercing roar of screams.

"Do we got any party people out there?" He yelled. More screams. These boys are going to go so far.

"Alright well this songs for you!" Zach said

The boys turn around and have their backs face the audience.

Last night was kinda blurry but I made it.
Got a little crazy
Couple girls I would've never had a chance with
Showed up it was alright

It was Daniel as he turned around to sings his part he ran up to the crowd putting his hand out. I was jamming out backstage so excited for my moment with him.

A little bit later I hear "We want to remember this night forever. Is it alright if we take a picture?" Daniel asked the crowd.

August ran out and started snapping pictures of the guys with the crowd in the back. I wanted to go out and get in the picture so badly but I knew I would blow my cover.

"Hey aspen you want to go get some merch or something to pass the time" I ask

"Sure but we got to be quick the last thing we want is for them to call you and you to not be there." She answered

"True but I really want to get a Seavey shirt and a dog tag, like the ones they are all wearing." I Said

"Ok fine I'll get an Avery shirt." She said winking

We sprinted out from backstage and decided to go the long way. We exited the building and ran around the to the front. The merch stand was at the entrance. We paid for our stuff and successfully made it back to backstage without any hold up.

I decided to change my shirt into the Seavey shirt and it was so comfortable. So much for buying an outfit for the show...

The boys were finishing the song taking you. This was like the "big deal" song. It was the first one they ever released. And it was the second to last song which I knew I would go on soon. The adrenaline was starting to kick in. And my anxiety was shooting through the roof

There was so many people. I hate attention. WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS?!

"Aspen what if people boo, and hate me" I say turning to her, she noticed my state of panic

"I guarantee they won't, not with all the guys here, if they hear a boo, wait no if I hear a boo I will personally walk on the stage and yell at them, just pay attention to Daniel and don't look at the crowd." She said reassuring me

"Haha thanks aspen" I smiled weakly

"And everyone loves you so why would they anyways" she added

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