Down to doncaster

Start from the beginning

"Papa" he chirped. Seriously? "What buddy?" I sighed. "Wuv wu" "i love you too darlin'" and just like that, he was out like a light, dummy bouncing up and down as he was transported to the land of his dreams.


"Lou" i said in a hushed tone while stroking his cheek "Lou, sweetheart, we're here". With that he grunted and turned over, opening his eyes and smiling, obviously glad to be here. "Wait, have you got the card?" He asked, voice laced with sleep. " yeah darlin' in the suitcase" i replied, getting out and opening Niall's door while louis roused Liam from his sleep. "Ni, we're at nana's bud" and thats all it took before he was wriggling in my arms to be put down. I chuckled, he really did love Jo.

Just on time Jo opened the front door and i let Niall down. "NNNANANANANANANANA" Niall screamed running, well attempting to run, towards Jo, who was waiting with open arms for her little grandson.

"Hello my snuggle-bug! How are you little guy?" She chuckled, lifting Niall into her arms "i gwood nana" he replied, cuddling into her chest, as he always does. "Well thats fantastic, and what about my liamiboo?" She cooed walking towards Liam and giving him a massive hug too "I'm good nana" he smiled. "God they've both gotten so big!! Cmon lets go inside, all the kids are gone to marks for a while except Ernest and Doris but they're asleep"

Niall was in his element. Just so happy and extremely hyper. I had suspicions that Jo was feeding him sweets and chocolate but thats fine. The child just never shut up or sat still until the sugar rush ended and he just crashed on the couch. It was his bed time anyway so i brought him upstairs and put him in lou's old bed, tucking him in and kissing him goodnight, before getting the cards and monitor and going back to the kitchen.

As soon as louis saw me walk back into the living room he put Doris back in her bouncer and got up to meet me, taking annes card. "Happy birthday mum!" He announced happily giving it to her. "Oh lou, darlin' i thought you'd forgotten!" She squealed, hugging us both and taking the card from louis. He just slip back against my body and i wrapped my arms around his waist.

The look of shock on Jo's face was priceless! She had to re-read the card at least three times before she finally jumped off the couch screaming, and wrapped us both in a warm hug. "I CANT BELIEVE IT AHH!!" She squeaked. They boys really couldn't have a more supportive grandmother.

Liams POV

I jogged back into the living room after hearing screams from nana. What was that all about? All i saw was nana squashing my dads into a hug and poor little Ernie and Doris in their bouncers, looking around curiously. "Everything alright?" I asked quietly, scared of what happened. Nana opened her mouth to reply but before she could daddy said "li, we have an early birthday card for you." Thats odd. My birthday isn't for another,like, 3 weeks. I took the envelope from dad and opened it carefully. On the front it read 'happy birthday brother!" Aww thats cute, must be from niall, but when i opened it i got the shock of a lifetime.

To liam,

Happy birthday big brother! Sorry i wont be around his year but i promise that ill be there next year! I heard you are a wonderful brother to Niall and i hope that when i come along in march i can play with the two of you all the time!

I was also wondering if maybe you could be my god-daddy?

I love you so much liam! See you when i get out of daddies tummy

Love from your new brother or sister xx

I paused for a moment,my breath hitching in my throat before finally looking up with tears in my eyes. "Really?" I whispered, smiling so wide my face hurt. "Yeah sweetheart, so whatta ya say? Will you be his or her god father?" Dad asks rubbing his tummy "oh course i will daddy" i exclaimed running into dads arms and burying my face in his neck. "I love him or her so much already" i whispered, sniffling, as dad and papa chuckled "so do we love, but we arent telling niall for a while so try not to let it slip" papa added. "Ok papa" i sniffled, as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"B-but how? I thought you couldn't have anymore after Niall?" Nana asked, looking at dad who was now wrapped up in papa's arms on the sofa. "It was a shock to all of us really, like when i found out i fainted!" He answered, chuckling at the end. "Yeah, i got a call from the doctors to come pick him up" papa added in a laughing fit. Hahaha typical dad.

Dad, papa and nana spent the rest of the night exchanging memories from the past, when they were pregnant and when Niall and i were babies, like the time i tried to build daddy and papa a house put of cardboard boxed because we we're still living with nana and i knew they wanted one and the time i got a blue m&m stuck up my nose. But all good things come to an end and it was time for bed.

"Night dad, night papa, night peanut" i said placing a kiss on each of my dads cheeks and one on dads tummy. "Peanut?" Dad asked, confused. "Yeah, ya know, coz' its the size of a peanut and all that" i explained scratching the back of my neck, a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Aww darlin' thats just too cute" nana cooed. "Night nana" i said, hugging her and then running upstairs and into bed. Well that was a great day. Unexpected, but still amazing. I cant wait to meet my precious little godchild!


Lottie, fizzy and i brought Niall, daisy and phoebe to the park this morning, seen as it was just across the road from the house and dad was getting morning sickness again so i was trying to keep Niall out of their hair for a while.

"So Liam.. You are the godfather" Lottie said causing the three of us to literally double over laughing. "I guess i am Lottie" i choked out. "Oh but seriously, you'll be a great god father!" Lottie praised "yeah, have you seen that way you are with Niall?" Fizzy added, playing with the grass between her fingers. "I really do hope i a-" i began but was interrupted by my little brothers cries. "Be right back" i mumbled going to find Niall.

I spotted his little red sun hat by the swings and ran over to him, crouching down to his level. "Ni love, you ok?" I asked him "LI-LI" he cried making grabby hands at me, showing he wanted to be picked up. "Hey bubba, what happened eh?" I soothed, bouncing him on my hip and rubbing small circles on his back. "I fwell li- li" he said through tears, poor little guy. "Hey its alright" i soothed, bringing him over to the nearest bench and sitting him on it "show me your knee darlin'" i instructed as he pulled up the leg of his pants, while i helped "oh, its only a nasty little scratch see? Ill kiss it all better" i told him, craning my neck and pecked his tiny knee, hearing a camera as i did so. I looked to see Lottie with her phone "aww li that is so going to your dads!" She cooed as i lifted Niall back up for some more cuddles. After a while he took off playing with phoebe again, probably something like hide and go seek or something.

As i watched Niall prance around the playground i couldn't help but imagine what it would be like taking my god child here as well, and maybe even getting ice cream or something like that with both my siblings afterwards. I would laugh at their faces, covered completely in ice cream as they ate happily, chatting and giggling.

From then on i vowed to always protect Niall and little peanut from everything and to always support them and be there for them, no matter what. I love them both so, so much, even if one of them hasn't even been born yet.

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