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My friend's boyfriend calls her "my babygirl" and "princess" and that's so cute cuz umm that's what Scott calls Mitch half the time MY FRIEND'S BF IS FANFIC SCOTT


"Your little girlfriend was stepping out of line. We had to punish her." Peyton sees Bella, her girlfriend, on the ground with bruises on both sides of her face. She gently helps her up before looking back at the Alphas in front of her.

"I don't recall her being your Omega to punish. Even if she were, I doubt she did anything to deserve it. Did you, Bells?"

"No, Alpha, I promise. I just asked if they knew where I could find you."

"She spoke without permission!" Peyton's eyes turn red as she growls and walks closer. Her red eye color almost the same as Scott's.

"Who's your father?

"Carson Yates, why?"

"You're just like him."


"He abused my mother for over two years."

"For good reason, too. Mitchell isn't your mother, he is a boy. Your whole family is just a bunch of homos, isn't it?" Her eyes turn even darker and she punches him once, knocking him to the ground.

"You wanna change what you think? Or do you not care if you're about to be beat by a girl two years younger than you?"

"You couldn't beat me if you tried."

"My dad is the strongest Alpha in the world. Someone we both love very much had a life that was a living hell, he's told me some stuff that hasn't made me too happy." She pulls the Alpha up by his shirt collar, "Maybe I'm not as strong as him, but I sure as hell am stronger than you." He looks at her fearfully and nods. She drops him to the floor, grabs Bella's hand, and walks away.

"Alpha? Wake up." Mitch tries to wake Scott up, only to have him groan and roll over. Mitch turns him onto his back and straddles his waist, which is when Scott decides to open his eyes.

"What a way to wake up." Mitch giggles, making Scott smile.

"What were you dreaming about? You mumbled a little but I couldn't hear the words."

"Just about Peyton standing up to douchebags when she's older. Don't repeat that word, Avi will kill me."

"Yes, Sir. Are you gonna teach Pey to be strong, like you?"

"If she wants me to, I will." Mitch nods and lays down on top of Scott, hiding his face in the crook of Scott's neck with Scott running a hand up and down Mitch's back.

"She's gonna wake up soon." Scott points out.

Mitch sighs, "I know. You know how I know? I'm very comfortable right now and I don't feel like moving." His voice is a little muffled but Scott can still understand him.

"Yeah, that must be her sixth sense."

"Being able to tell when we're comfortable?"

"Yep." A few minutes later, they hear Peyton crying, signaling she wants out of the crib. Mitch pecks Scott neck, as it was right in front of him, and gets up to get the baby. Scott sits up in bed against the headboard and waits for Mitch to come back.

"Shh.. I know." Mitch talks softly to Peyton, swaying them both from side to side when he comes back into the room, gently patting her bottom to calm her down.

Once she stops crying, Mitch sits down next to Scott against the headboard.

"You're such a good mom." Scott tells him, smiling fondly at his boyfriend and child and throwing an arm over his shoulders.

"I'm okay." Mitch makes a face at Peyton, earning a smile from the baby.

"No, you're great."

"I could be better." Peyton grabs Mitch's finger and sucks on it. "She's hungry, can we go downstairs?" Scott sighs but nods anyways.

"You need help?"

"Yes, please. I haven't exactly figured out how to get out of bed while holding her." Scott chuckles and kisses Mitch's forehead but does nothing otherwise.

"Well then, up."

"What? But, Sir, I just said I need help."

"You have to learn. Just think, do you need to hold her with both arms?"


"Do you really? She's a tiny little thing. You've done it before, you just didn't realize it." Mitch moves her a little in his arms so he was now holding her with one arm. He then reaches out for Scott, who helps pull him off of the bed.

"See, easy." Mitch sticks his tongue out at Scott and they go downstairs to the kitchen.


"That sounds like I'm in trouble."

"Shouldn't it be possible for a parent to get the bottle to feed a child?"


"So, why are all of them on the top shelf? The only shelf I can't reach."

"That's a very good question... that I don't have the answer to." He grabs a bottle and hands it to Mitch, pecking his lips.

"Thank you." Mitch makes the bottle and feeds Peyton while Scott makes them breakfast.

"Everyone's families are coming over today, aren't they?" Mitch asks once they're done eating as he puts Peyton in the smaller crib that they have in the living room.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. When's that happening?"


"Okay, so it's everybody's parents plus your sister and my sister and nephew. Do you know about anyone else's siblings?"

"I don't think any of them are coming except Esther." Scott nods and throws Mitch over his shoulder, "Hey! Excuse you, Mister, I don't recall doing anything to deserve this."

"You put the baby down, I saw my chance." Mitch laughs as Scott runs around the house.

"Put me down, you giant!" Scott walks them back to the living room and gently sets him down.

"I have to shower before everyone gets here, so you need anything?"

"Ooh, can I come with you?"

Scott squints at him, "Yeah, but we're not doing anything."

"Fine, let's go. Toddy, will you watch Peyton?" Todrick nods and the couple goes upstairs.

Once they get into their room, Scott closes the door and presses Mitch against it, capturing his lips on a kiss. He grabs the back of Mitch's neck to deepen the kiss as it turns into a make out.

"What was that?" Mitch asks, out of breath, once they pull away.

"I haven't been able to do that in a while. Time to shower, come on, baby boy." Mitch smiles and rolls his eyes, but does so anyways.


Yay happy chapter!

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