54: BEE

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A/N: I don't know if I need to warn you all about this chapter but it might be necessary in case somebody is sensitive about insecurities and mental issues. So, this is a warning but I hope it isn't needed.

Louis, July 21st

Another week had gone since the last time I'd seen Harry.

The day he's given me that hedgehog, he left me with an empty promise. With a hand over my heart, he'd promised that he would always be with me. He'd comforted me and attempted to quarrel my fear, and it did help. He'd assured me that he was my shelter as much as I was his, and I'd needed that assurance in order to believe that he was going to appear by my side if I ever were to fall apart.

And the truth was, I was falling apart. But he wasn't there to pick me up.

It wasn't that I was crazily obsessive, but feeling him slipping away made me determined that I had to show him how much I was dying for him to stay.

To prove my point, I had a routine of texting every morning and calling every night, which I hoped worked to make sure he understood how much he meant to me. Since he'd sometimes ignore my messages, each time he actually acknowledged me had started to feel like an actual gift. And that wasn't right.

So for that entire day, I had sat on the bathroom floor with my face soaked in tears. Unless somebody would break the lock in the door, they wouldn't be able to get to me while I was in here.

But this was how it was supposed to be, because isolation was never my enemy. I was meant to be alone.

It wasn't news that people found me irritably disturbing. There was no place for me but an empty room with four walls with an echo that wouldn't be to use, because no words would be exchanged in here, because I didn't have anyone to talk to but myself. But that was okay. Because that was my life.

I was lonely.

After hours and hours, I wiped my tears, looked up from between my legs where I had been hiding and blinked my eyes open to adjust the change of light. Black patches flashed in front of me before I could finally see clearly, and when I spotted the floors, I was crying again, because all this time had passed and I still felt the same. My wounds were open and bleeding and I couldn't heal them by myself. No tears would help.

And when I shut my eyes again, the first thing I saw, was Liam.

Even the streetlights had expired into the pitch black atmosphere at the park. My best friend and I had occupied the rusty old swing set that squeaked the second you settled on its seats. Our hands however, were busy fiddling over the buttons to our game-boy consoles that we both had invested from the thrift store. We were battling against each other, which was why we had completely lost focus from our surroundings.

"I thought we agreed on not shooting each other!" Liam groaned as I defeated him.

"Sorry," I giggled.

"I hate you," he mumbled.

I laughed, still focusing on the scratched display. "You love me."

"Shut up."

"Rejected again, Tommo!" a third voice emerged out of the blue, the familiar tone instantly adding shivers down my back. "That must get tiring after a while. I mean, I'm only assuming, since I don't have any experience in that. But maybe you could give me an insight?" He shot me a cold smile. "Tell me, how is it not knowing how it feels to be loved?"

Since I felt shameful, I swallowed as my game-boy somewhat trembled in my hands. "H-Hi Jackson."

Jackson, who had his hands tucked into his military green jacket flicked his floppy dark hair to the side and let his sinister smile grow wider.

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