53 3 0

19th January 2017

I sat up and looked around, hearing the shower going. Jenny was sat up, scrolling through her phone. She looked over and smiled as I pulled the covers off and grabbed my phone from the desk again. Ethan had texted me, asking if I was still alive. I hadn't messaged him yesterday like I said I would. I sighed, unlocking my phone and sliding back under the warm sheets. Jenny laughed.

"You're obsessed."

I looked up. "With what?"

"Ethan," she answered, not taking her eyes away from her own screen.

"Am not," I spat, opening up my messages to text him back. She grabbed my phone out of my hands too easily and began scrolling through our texts. "Jenny..."

"Heh. At least one person in this world cares about you," she teased, reading through the messages. She started to read them aloud. I swiped back my phone and scrolled back to the most recent text before typing my response.

I'm good. Jen's being annoying, but still. Millie snores and Oregon has seasons.
- Kiara Fischbach

How's Jen being annoying?
- Ethan Nestor

She just is. You know how people sometimes say the wrong thing and then they don't realise they've said the wrong thing, so they just keep talking? Like that, but not.
- Kiara Fischbach

She said some things about you, and I know she's just joking, but still.
- Kiara Fischbach

- Ethan Nestor

Millie stepped out of the bathroom, brushing out the knots in her brown hair. I took this as my opportunity to slip into the bathroom and take a shower as well.

Showering in any shower other than your own was weird, for sure. I always struggled with getting the correct temperature first try, an issue that I didn't have on my own, considering that I knew I could turn the heat up all the way and the cold a quarter and it was the perfect temperature. Then again, showering second had the advantage that the water was already warm, and I just needed to turn it on and step in.

I could see my blurred figure in the fogged mirror, the darkened skin on my arms and the way my hips curved so prominently. I had never considered myself to be fucking tiny in any way. I wasn't a stick. I sat comfortably fit. Jenny was a twig, but we still shared clothes.

I stepped in, taking notice of where the water hit my body first. The back of my head, then my shoulders. It cascaded down my back and I ran a hand over my hair, pushing it out of my face, before grabbing the body wash and squirting it into my hand. Why hadn't I showered last night when we got to the hotel? Jenny did, but I had told myself I'd do it in the morning. My head was spinning and I hadn't wanted to do much yesterday.

I sighed, letting the steaming water splash against my face. Thinking things was hurting me in a way, and even though I could only hear the acoustics of the bathroom, I knew things were going on outside the door, but I couldn't hear anything. They could've been planning on poisoning me, but I would be none the wiser.

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