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4th December 2016

"Hey, Kiara. How's your back?" I looked up. Mark was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Good. I just needed to sleep it off, I guess." I smiled at him. I wasn't doing anything in particular right now. I mean, eating breakfast, but nothing in particular.

"Well, when you're done eating, can you bring one of the fold-away tables up here?"

"Absolutely," I responded with a smile and went back to stuffing my face with a rice burrito. Ethan came upstairs, shortly after. He was out of breath and dressed like an emo sixteen-year-old. I chuckled and made a comment on his choice of red jeans and black shirt. He seemed to like the combination of red jeans and black shirts. He was wearing the same jeans yesterday.

"Like you're any better. You own four pairs of the same shirt, just in different colours." I chuckled.

"Actually, it's five."

"Whatever." He raised his hands in defeat and walked to his desk. "Hey, Mark? Is it cool if I finish editing my video from last night? It won't take long."

"Chuck it to Ki, she's a beast."

I shot mark a look. "I'm busy. He can do it himself."

"Doing what?" He scoffed, sliding into his own chair.

"Not editing his video for him," I said, through a mouthful of rice.

Ethan laughed and turned on his computer. He leant back and waited for it to boot. I smiled and shoved the rest of my food into my mouth.

"Yeah keep that up, Ki. Really flattering," Ethan joked, spinning in his chair and facing me. I smiled again and started to head downstairs.

The tables had been wiped down and stacked on their side by the wall by yours truly two days ago. That was partly my job, not that I minded. I liked making things clean around here. I sighed and grabbed a table before carrying it up the stairs and leaning it against the railing. I wasn't too sure what Mark wanted to do with the table, but I just gathered he was going to film a video up here. It didn't move for a few hours. Mark filmed some lets plays and I eventually gave in and edited Ethan's video for him. It was the first time id really seen much of his content other than people making fun of his intro.

Then, he walked up the stairs with a sledgehammer. "We're going to fuck shit up."


"He's going to destroy the golden play button," Ethan answered, not looking away from his screen. I sighed and looked at my brother properly. He had a stupid smile on his face and kept rubbing the top of the hammer.

"Oh cool." I leant back and let out a breath. I didn't care that much. My brother's antics were their own thing. "Don't hurt yourself."

"Yeah, I won't pull a you," Mark sassed.

You could hear them destroying the frame. Each blow. The smash of glass. It sounded cool, yet terrifying as well. I stood up and took my laptop off my lap. My studying was going so well anyway, so why not just stop altogether? My long sigh meant that dragging my feet around came accustomed. I just wanted to see what was happening downstairs, really. It sounded exciting, in a way. Maybe that was some rebellious child thing in me that just wanted to watch, I wasn't sure.

I walked down the stairs, pulling down the hem of my shirt as it did ride up when I walked down a flight of stairs or went anywhere with a backpack on. Ethan was crouched on the floor, holding a camera while mark swung repeatedly at the play button. His intention was, I believed, to get it out of the frame intact so he could just have it as its own thing. I was glad that Ethan was at least a far enough distance that he wasn't going to get hit. I didn't want the tiny kid to get hurt if that made sense. I felt like the hammer itself would've crushed him entirely.

He looked over and a shy smirk appeared on his lips. "Hey, Kiara. How is studying going?"

"Good. I know more than you do," I shot back. His smirk widened.

"You haven't got anything done have you?"


He laughed and bounced on the spot, before directing his attention back to mark who had now managed to get the button out of the frame. He was holding it triumphantly in his arms with a big grin on his face. I snickered.

"You look like a twit."

He did an imaginary hair flick. "I always look like a twit."

I chuckled and leant against the wall. Ethan kept looking over at me, casting a warm smile. He seemed worried about me, which I didn't want him to be. I looked over at him. He looked like he wanted to ask a question, but was unsure of how to word it. That seemed like such a him thing. To not know how to word something. He'd either butcher it and make the meaning disappear, or he just wouldn't say anything. Complexing, really.

I sighed and gave him a soft smile. One that he definitely hadn't gotten used to yet. He gave one back and got off the ground. Mark made a quick comment about going back upstairs to film one more video before we went home. That being said, I'd be staying back late most likely. I had a few things to do, including but not limited to study. Ethan would stay back as well, just because he could. He weirded me out at times, but if he kept to himself, he'd be manageable.

We followed him up the stairs, helping set up the table in the middle of the room and further, the camera and microphones. Funnily, Mark seemed to hate the card game, but played anyway. It seemed fun, but I had my head shoved into my laptop. I wasn't paying much attention.

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