76 3 0

2nd December 2016

One month. That's roughly how long Ethan had been here. And I had gone from wanting him to disappear, to having a quiet conversation, and back to wanting him to disappear. The likely hood was that my mental health was doing it, but I was too not bothered by that. I cared more that it was finals week and I wanted to forcefully rip my asshole out through my mouth while Jenny filmed it. Another beautiful image on my behalf.

Mark had put me on 'sit outside while we film videos' duty. It meant that I could study for a while, while still technically helping. And the sun would supposedly help my mood. That was Mark's thought process, anyway. I just ended up watching the boys trying to flip bottles, because I couldn't see the screen of my laptop. It was definitely blurred with fingerprints. Every time Ethan tried to flip a bottle, I'd shout "fail."  It was fun at first, and then it got annoying. To the point that they made me go inside because I wasn't doing anything useful whatsoever. I blamed Mark entirely because he had made me sit outside in the first place.

They let me come back outside when they went to film the next video. Arrow dodge. Only because I had a semi-alright aim when it came to hitting Mark from the top of a flight of stairs or up a tree or under a coffee table. It was preferred not to ask how I even got under there because I sure as hell couldn't get out. Tyler had rescued me half an hour later when he noticed I was still under there. My only explanation was that I wasn't a ten year old anymore, which went down in absolute glory.

My sharpshooting skills seemed to surprise everyone but my brother and Tyler, who were so used to some of the bullshit I frequently pulled, that they just sighed as I repeatedly kept hitting people. I was waiting in apprehension for the moment Ethan no longer found me idiosyncratic. I was just waiting for the sigh and the facepalm instead of the small light of chuckle that I was getting now. Bob and Wade, as much as I had known them for ages, I had never been much to hang out with them, whereas, I'd lived with Mark and Tyler.

When I first moved out here and was looking for a place to live, I lived with Tyler, in a similar way to which Ethan did now, in fact, my old bedroom was his new one. I had never told him this information, and I didn't think anyone else had either, assuming how he had never brought it up.

"Kiara, you're scarier than Tyler," Ethan whined. I let go of the tail and it flew forward, hitting him in the arm. He let out a child-like scream that could be easily shown through a camera to express horror, of some kind. My head was warping around how much shit had been crammed in there for my upcoming exam. Nothing like a Friday morning test to get you in the spirit of things. "I feel like this isn't fair."

"You felt that it was unfair that I didn't take you out to breakfast. With my friends."

"Yeah, because you can't just tell someone you're going out for breakfast and not invite them. And since when did you have friends?" He wouldn't stand still, not that is was any bother to me.

"Yes, I can. Watch me." I shot him again. It hit him in the hip. "Also that joke's old now."

"Kiara..." It came out like an odd cry for help. Like he needed to use the bathroom or wanted me to buy him candy. He was an adult. He could buy his own candy. Depending on the ingredients. "Fuck, this is terrifying."

"Is it better when I'm talking?" I hit him again. I had one arrow left.

"No." He was still moving back and forth. I could practically feel his constant panting. "I hate all of it."

"Cool. How 'bout I tell you a story about this kid who every morning, walks into film science and hands about three or four people coffee. It's a different set of people every time, too. I should ask him to get me some one day. What do you think?"

"Stop stalling." I hit him directly in the centre of his chest. He let out a sound that was some kind of mix between a cough and a groan. "Fuck me."

"Hard pass on that one. Good job though. You dodged a total of zero arrows." I clapped sarcastically.

"Good job. You missed a total of zero times," he replied in the same sarcastic tone, clapping back at me, but purposely being louder than me. I sighed and shoved him as he came back over. He laughed and pushed me back. "It's your turn anyway. You see how hard it is."

I laughed and took the goggles from him, sliding them over my eyes. "Why are these so fucking sweaty? Jesus fuck."

I smiled and walked over to the designated 'stage'. It was barely a stage and more of an empty garden in the sad, back corner. I could make something of it if I were half bothered, but everyone here knew I was not even quarter bothered. "Batter up, bitches."

"We have bows, idiot," Ethan groaned, lining up his arrow to hit me in the stomach.

"You don't get the concept of life, dipshit."

"You don't get the concept of death." He shot and missed. "Dammit."

"Hah! Nice try." He hit me just above my left boob. "Solid. Didn't know you were a boob guy, Ethan."

"Shut up. Youre a tiny target."

An Aftermath Of Many Years (CrankGameplays)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant