Chapter 23

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It had only been 3 days since I'd seen him, but admittedly I was missing him more than I should have. He just had this way of making everything seem better, like no matter what was going on, it would all be okay. I couldn't help but wonder if he was missing me in the same way; we had talked throughout the days, but somehow all I wanted was to see him, to hear his voice and feel his touch.

Anticipation was building in my stomach as I approached my dance studio that night; there was something about the forbiddance of it all that made my nerve endings dance. I didn't know what he was up to, and frankly I hadn't wanted to be pushy and ask if he was going to come for lighting configuration, and so when I saw him there in the foyer, the world seemed to stand still.

He was slouched back against the wall with his hands in his pockets, hair slightly tousled by the wind and his fingers running through it, broad shoulders framing his muscular torso. I didn't miss the smile that danced across his face when he saw me, although he fought not to let it show. Even as I danced, everything had stopped, I couldn't see the other people, I couldn't hear the music, there was just him.

And suddenly I was standing in the foyer of the ballet school alone with Shawn and my hands were itching to run through his hair, to pull my body against his and kiss him breathless. Mrs Jones was still in the ballet studio packing up, and so we waited in silence, each pretending to be oblivious to the other's existence. The tension was so thick that the hair on my arms stood on end. The sound of Mrs Jones' footsteps down the hall broke the silence, and we both looked up casually in acknowledgement. She walked daintily down the rest of the corridor and we listened as the door swung shut behind her. Already Shawn was taking long strides towards me.

'I've been waiting for this all day,' He said breathlessly as he cupped his hands against my cheeks and plunged his tongue into my mouth. I took a few steps back from the impact until my back hit the drywall, his body firmly pressed against mine. I could feel myself getting more and more heated with every stroke of his tongue across my own, and the feeling only got stronger as his hands roamed my body, lightly squeezing my bum.

'Let's get out of here.' I said into his mouth, my voice distorted by the kiss. Shawn took my bottom lip between his teeth and lightly pulled, the sensation shooting through my whole body.

'I could take you right here...' he said into my neck, his mouth tracing up from my collarbone to my earlobe. '...against this wall.'

'But what if-' I started to say, but he shook his head.

'We're the only ones here, all the studios are empty.' This was reckless, and probably idiotic, stupid and irresponsible. But he was right there, and I wanted him so badly. It was delicious, the push and pull, not being able to stop ourselves, the passion.

'You look so sexy in that leotard I can't wait any longer.' He said, his eyes raking down my body before looking back into mine; questioning, begging. All I could do was nod my head as I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me. His large hands slid along my waistline, tugging at the tie of my skirt until it fell limply to the floor. My heart skipped with glee as I pulled his t-shirt up over his head, the newly exposed skin like candy to a child. He swept my legs out from underneath me and wrapped them around his waist, the pressure of his body against mine holding me up. My insides were buzzing and I was becoming more and more frenzied, sucking on his firm skin needily as he began to peel my leotard down my body-

'Get your hands off of my daughter.' The voice was loud, angry and all too familiar. My blood, which just seconds ago had burned hot through my veins, ran ice cold across my body. I pressed my palms forcefully against Shawn's bare torso, almost slipping as my feet hit the ground. We both scrambled to pull our clothes back on properly and as I hastily wrapped my skirt back around my waste, I turned to face my mother. She was angrier than I had ever seen her, and I as I registered her standing there, hands firmly placed on hips and mouth set in a hard line, the gravity of the situation hit me, almost pulling me through the floor. This was happening; we had been caught and it might just ruin Shawn's life, we couldn't undo any of it, it was all over now. Standing there in the foyer of the studio, my heart in my throat, was the first time I ever felt real, agonising regret; the kind that made you want to scream until you simply stopped existing. But I didn't scream, in fact I couldn't even open my mouth, I was frozen.

Dangerous Love//Shawn MendesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora