And Min Yoongi nodded. He agreed to what V said. Because he was.

Min Yoongi:
   "Jeon Hannah is my life. And when life was taken from me, she was too. And seeing her living a life without me makes me wanna end somebody's life."

V let out an evil smile. He always love hearing words like that. From the tongue of a human whose heart was covered with wrath, pride and envy.

   "You are worthy of my praise."

Min Yoongi stared at the young man and smirked. Thinking how could he be worthy of his praise when he put danger to his life a while ago and Angel Grace's too.

Min Yoongi:
   "Praise me for what?"

V gave him an evil smile of amusement.

   "Your diligence in vengeance."

Then the son of the devil watched the man who sought revenge in tears. He was silently crying while looking from a far.

V may not understand why he was crying but he knew the reason behind it.

Humans are overly dramatic lame creatures when it comes to love.

V tapped Min Yoongi's back not to comfort him but to get his attention. And so he got it. Min Yoongi with his eyes surrounded by tears looked at him in the eye.

Though V knew his intentions of showing himself to the village where he was killed, and that's to seek revenge, he needed to know what was his heart yields for it to be pacified from being troubled.

   "Tell me, Min Yoongi - "

He was staring at the eyes of a man craving for revenge, envying for love and dying for it.

   "In your life in this envious world, what do you desire the most?"

Min Yoongi's tears fell.

Min Yoongi:
   "Jeon Hannah."

V stood and looked away from him. Realizing how the man desired to be back with the ex officer's loving arms, he was confused why humans had to be that affectionate and loving.

Min Yoongi:
   "I was killed. It wasn't an accident. I know it was planned. I know it was him."

He pointed at the pictures on the wall. Officer Choi Minho's pictures.

V smirked. Knowing how humans could get so greedy and envious when it involves love made him feel disgusted.

Thus he wanted to test Min Yoongi. Because it amuses him well. Why did it begin and where would he stop?

   "What if he's not the one you've been looking for? What if there's another man who also wanted the love of your life to have and to hold?"

Min Yoongi wiped away his tears and clench his fists.

Min Yoongi:
   "Literature teacher Jung Hoseok."


Angel Grace called V and Min Yoongi's attention. Seemed like after thorough thinking of what's the truth behind Min Yoongi's death and why he faked it, she finally had an answer.

Angel Grace:
   "It's officer Choi Minho. He killed you, Mr. Min Yoongi. Because he was jealous."

V smirked thinking how she realized it late.

   "Finally, you realized why those pictures are there. You are 'slow'."

Angel Gracer rolled her eyes and went to Min Yoongi's direction.

Angel Grace:
   "I think Officer Choi will do something to harm Officer Hannah."

Min Yoongi clenched his fist and hurriedly walked away to go out from the building. But V grabbed his arm to stop him.

  "Hold on, feisty. You don't want to be reckless and end up getting yourself killed - again."

Angel Grace nodded.

Angel Grace:
   "Okay you have to listen to me first. I remembered a time when officer Choi expressed his love for officer Jeon Hannah but got rejected because of Mr. Min Yoongi. And why I know that? Bec- "

V suddenly interrupted.

   "Because you like him."

Angel Grace glared at him.

Angel Grace:
   "Partly yes. But bec - "

V interrupted him again.

   "Wait. Why do you keep on crushin' him?"

Angel Grace closed her eyes and sighed.

Angel Grace:
    "Do I have to explain it to you? He's like so - perfect."

V gave a bored look.

Angel Grace:
   "Until I found out he is not."

V laughed. Making Angel Grace annoyed.

Angel Grace:
   "May I continue now?"

V shrugged his shoulder as he noticed Min Yoongi glaring at him for always interrupting Angel Grace.

Angel Grace:
   "Officer Hannah's life is in trouble again. I remembered officer Choi talking about a very special day with the woman he love on friday the thirteenth. He said he would be finally proposing to her."


Min Yoongi:
  "That's -- that's tomorrow."



"You may fake death but never love."

V Morningstar [BTS]Where stories live. Discover now