Daya looked at him oddly, " Im sorry but did you say your future selves?" she asked a bit wide eyed.

Maree nodded, " My husband and i, have had odd dreams about our future selves, where hoping they have love like ours." she answered smiling, but looked at Zac and Daya more closely, before gasping, " Alex... " she said slowly to her husband, who was looking wide eyed at the two as well, everyone else looked on confused and lost.

" Your them!" Alexander exclaimed, " Your the two who keep appearing in out dreams! the teams that tell us to find you guys for some reason!"

" Us!?" Zac asked, looking away from the baby to them.

" Zac the photo! It said the same thing Alex just said!" Daya gasped at him and pulled out the photo from her pocket, still holding Katy, gently, and handed it to the couple, " do you know those two?"

" Oh yeah! Anne and Philip Carlyle! yeah their story is pasted down in my family!" Maree nodded, beaming, " I love their story! I've been hearing it since i was a child."

" Anne and Philip Carlyle..." Daya breathed out, " Well in a new movie that Zac and i are filming we play them, and its so odd! everything that happens in the film happens to us, just a little differently, Anne a nurse here is a relative off them, she gave us the photo saying to us that it was the right thing to do..." she explained to the couple, " I- I-- don't understand why everything is leading back to them..."

Maree looked at the photo in her hand, " well you two look exactly like them, maybe for some reason you guys are reliving their lives... meeting us as you are is probably something connected to it." she handed the photo to Zac.

" But why?" Zac asked so confused, " why would we be re living their lives? why do Daya and i look exactly like them?"

" the universe works in strange ways... " Alexander answered, smiling, " I'm sure the two of you will figure out what it wants."

Daya gently handed Katy back to Maree, " she feel asleep, and i can see your tired, why don't you go and have some rest." she said smiling, warmly.

Maree nodded, " Thank you."

" Ohh one more question." Zac spoke up quickly before they left.

" Of course." Alexander nodded.

" its strange but how many kids do you have?" Zac asked them, smiling shyly.

" Katy is out fifth." Maree smiled, before waving with Alex and left, Alex pushing her as they did.

" Five..." Zac nodded, looking a little pale, " Oh my god! Five!" he exclaimed and turned to Daya wide eyed, " there is that damn number again! five kids for the Carlyle's and now Maree just said they have five!"

Daya laughed at him, " Zac, chill! you don't know if we will have five!" she told him, amused.

" B-b-but the signs are everywhere!" he stuttered to her and sat on Cameron's bed.

" Ohh would you just chill!" Daya rolled her eyes at him, giggling and slapped his arm, sitting with him, " if we have five, we will cross that bridge when it comes to it, and by them we will have the experience from the other four."

" Wait! Anne and Philip are real!" Michael exclaimed shocked, " Oh my god! and you two are living a similar version of their lives!"

" see! its freaky as hell right?" Daya asked, wide eyed, " what the hell does it all mean!?"

" I don't know Daya... but I'm sure we will all find out soon." Hugh told her, smiling his usual smile, but looked as shocked as the others did.

" Hey Zac." Dylan spoke up to his brother with a mischievous grin, " what do you think of the number five? i mean Five is an excellent number, like how on one hand we have five fingers." he said, to Zac, who went more pale at the number.

" Dylan!" Kate slapped his shoulder, " Stop trying to scare him!"

" Five..." Zac squeaked out, wide eyed, " Ohh my god... "

" yes Zac five!" Daya slapped him on the back of the head, " you in the future, will give me five kids, and it looks like you will be happy about it, so stop freaking the fuck out."

Zac looked at her, to see her glaring at him, before he cleared his throat and nodded, " I love you and your the best thing to ever happen to me." he told her quickly, giving her a smile.

Daya nodded and stopped glaring at him, giving him a smile, " so what to try for one?" she asked him, grinning.

Zac looked at her oddly, " i thought you stopped the pill a while back?"

Daya paused and nodded, " Oh yeah i did." she answered him, " well hurry up and knock me up." she nudged him, jokingly.

" i - you- we-pi-" Zac stuttered at her, wide eyed, " i thought you said that it will happen when it happened! you want one now!?"

Daya laughed at him, " Zac I'm fucking with you, it will happens when it happens, chill."

" your family would kill me." Zac said to her quietly, " Your dad would literately kill me."

" Zac where married, its bound to happen some time." Daya chuckled at him.

" but they don't know that! they will think i had sex with you, un protected and got you pregnant!" Zac said to her, nervous.

" it takes two to make a baby." Daya pointed out to him, grinning, before her pager went off and she looked down at it, " Aww i get the baby now!" she exclaimed and got up, walking out of the room quickly.

" wh- what baby?" Zac asked, confused.

" don't know but i had no idea Daya was off her pill! when did this happen?" Darnell asked Zac, surprised as they all where.

" last week, she turned to me one morning waking me up, to just asked me about it, and trust me i fell off the bed in shock, but she said she wanted a baby, and i agree with her, i want one too, so i said yes, she could go off the pill, if she really wanted to but we wouldn't necessarily try we would just let it happen when it happened." Zac explained to them, just as Daya walked in with a baby in her arms.

" Okay guys, this is little Dustin, he was baby that was left here by the mother who didn't want him, us doctors and nurses pass him around for extra love and attention." Daya explained and sat Next to Zac, making sure Cameron was alright and used one hand to cover her with the blanket before putting it back around Dustin.

" Who named him?" Zac chuckled and played with the babies hand gently, who was staring at him, smiling and gripped Zac's finger back, making Zac's smile widen.

Daya giggled, " Me... the staff all couldn't think of a name so they let me name him."

" Dustin?" Zac asked her, amused, " as in your favourite, Stranger Things, character?"

Daya smiled at him, " yes, Dustin, after the Dustin in the show, yes." she nodded, proudly.

" Nice!" Zac hi fived her, grinning, " thats my wife." he nodded, proudly as well.

" nerds for life!" Daya added, giggling to him, before Dustin started to Cry, " Ohh feeding time." she looked at the clock, before gasping and looked down,

" Dude, I'm not lactating..." she said slowly and pulled the baby mouth and head away from her shirt, covered boob, before he started to cry again, Daya sighed and let him go back got what he was doing, paging Anne, " Buddy you ain't gonna get any thing from me" she groaned at the baby, trying to get him to stop, trying to latch on to her, but her would just cry as she did.

" im not sure if i should feel jealous or not..." Zac said slowly, looking at the baby.

" Zac!" Daya exclaimed, laughing at him.

" Im just saying." Zac held his arms up at her in surrender.

" Hey Daya that baby is trying to latch on to you, pretty good." Keala chuckled at her, as Michelle giggled next to her.

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