Eternal Bliss!

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(A/N: Statutory Warning - Keep Your Fans, ACs, And Coolers On Together; It's Gonna Get Hot *Wink Wink*!!!
P.S.: It's Extremely Mature, So If You Are Not The One For It, Don't Read - But Kindly Don't Bash!)

It had been three months since DevAkshi had gotten married, and these three months had been utterly blissful for the couple who were leading a happily married life. Sure, they had had their share of downs, but it was nothing that they could not resolve at the end of the day. Their days went by, in each other's thoughts, and nights were spent in each other's arms.

Never in these three months had Dev forced himself on Sona, making her uncomfortable; nor did he act like a horny, hormone-driven husband, as most men did after their wedding; but Dev Dixit wasn't like most men. One of the many reasons why Sona worshipped Dev in all true senses, was the way he treated her - exactly like a princess; showering her with all the love he had. Contrary to the belief that post-marriage, the couple lost out on the spark in their relationship; DevAkshi's love for each other kept increasing! They would cuddle each other to sleep; and at times, when things got steamy, it would lead to passionate make-outs. However, they were yet to consummate their marriage.

With the next day (a Friday), being their three-month (wedding) anniversary; and with Anant-Ishwari off to some relatives and Soumya visiting her friend, DevAkshi had the entire house and weekend to themselves!

A mischievously naughty idea struck Sonakshi's mind while thinking about divisive ways to kill her free time; till Dev got back from work, late in the evening! Fishing out the keys to her scooty; which she preferred over any of the cars in the Dixit's garage, for it was easy riding a scooty in the traffic rather than a car; Sona left for shopping, making sure she had everything she needed to execute her plan.

Three hours later, Sona returned home, with shopping bags in her hands. She had asked the servants to clean the house for her and take an off till Monday. Popping the bags onto the couch, Sona fixed herself a quick lunch and then proceeded to get a power nap, before actually executing her plan. She slept off, setting an alarm for two hours later; getting as much sleep as she could; for she was not going to get any information of it that night and neither was she going to let Dev get any.

Sona woke up a little later than four, and sighed in relief since she had ample time to get things done; as Dev did not come home before eight-thirty. Brewing herself a cup of coffee, Sona began preparing for dinner, consisting of Dev's favorite dishes. At around six, she was done with making the dinner and kept everything covered, to just heat it before having it. She then cleaned up the kitchen and set a table for two. She covered the table with a tablecloth and placed a vase of red roses in the center, surrounded by scented candles (to be lit later). She also placed out the required crockery for dinner.

With the kitchen work being done, Sona scurried off to their bedroom; picking up the shopping bags which she had left on the couch earlier. Hopping two steps at a time, with the shopping bags in her hands, Sona felt breathless when she reached their bedroom, but nothing ceased the adrenaline rush she was feeling.

Sona stripped off the old bedsheets, off the bed, replacing them with new ones, and straighten out the wrinkles. She then plucked off the rose petals, of the fresh red roses that she had bought on her way back home; and then spread them over the bed as well as the floor; careful to not overdo it. She also placed a few scented candles and essence sticks around; those she was going to light before Dev's arrival. Making sure that everything was the way she wanted it to be. As she got done, Sona glanced at the clock which showed the timing to be seven thirty, making her let out a sigh of relief, because she had enough time to take a hot shower and get ready!

The hot water soothed her body and calmed down her nerves. She felt excited yet nervous at the same time. Brushing her nervousness aside, Sona lathered her body with shower gel and her hair with the shampoo; thankful that she had visited the salon the day before and hence need not waste her time, getting rid of her body hair.

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